How to Best Answer the Most Common Job Interview Questions

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Evidence that Musk is the Chief Engineer of SpaceX

There is a lot of scepticism of the claim that Musk is an engineer at all let alone the chief engineer of SpaceX. I wanted to collate the evidence backing it up here. I know some SpaceX employees have affirmed the claim.
I'm just looking for statements by credible sources that provide insight to what extent Musk is involved in concrete engineering decisions vs. managerial duties. I would add to this post the statements brought up in the comments.

Statements by SpaceX Employees

Tom Mueller
Tom Mueller (Wikipedia, LinkedIn) is one of SpaceX's founding employees. He served as the VP of Propulsion Engineering from 2002 to 2014 and Propulsion CTO from 2014 to 2019. He currently serves as an Senior Adviser. He's regarded as one of the foremost spacecraft propulsion experts in the world and owns many patents for propulsion technologies.
Not true, I am an advisor now. Elon and the Propulsion department are leading development of the SpaceX engines, particularly Raptor. I offer my 2 cents to help from time to time"
We’ll have, you know, a group of people sitting in a room, making a key decision. And everybody in that room will say, you know, basically, “We need to turn left,” and Elon will say “No, we’re gonna turn right.” You know, to put it in a metaphor. And that’s how he thinks. He’s like, “You guys are taking the easy way out; we need to take the hard way.”
And, uh, I’ve seen that hurt us before, I’ve seen that fail, but I’ve also seen— where nobody thought it would work— it was the right decision. It was the harder way to do it, but in the end, it was the right thing.
When the third chamber cracked, Musk flew the hardware back to California, took it to the factory floor, and, with the help of some engineers, started to fill the chambers with an epoxy to see if it would seal them. “He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty,” Mueller said. “He’s out there with his nice Italian shoes and clothes and has epoxy all over him. They were there all night and tested it again and it broke anyway.” Musk, clothes ruined, had decided the hardware was flawed, tested his hypothesis, and moved on quickly.
Source (Ashlee Vance's Biography).

Kevin Watson
Kevin Watson (LinkedIn) developed the avionics for Falcon 9 and Dragon. He previously managed the Advanced Computer Systems and Technologies Group within the Autonomous Systems Division at NASA's Jet Propulsion laboratory.
Elon is brilliant. He’s involved in just about everything. He understands everything. If he asks you a question, you learn very quickly not to go give him a gut reaction.
He wants answers that get down to the fundamental laws of physics. One thing he understands really well is the physics of the rockets. He understands that like nobody else. The stuff I have seen him do in his head is crazy.
He can get in discussions about flying a satellite and whether we can make the right orbit and deliver Dragon at the same time and solve all these equations in real time. It’s amazing to watch the amount of knowledge he has accumulated over the years.
Source (Ashlee Vance's Biography). Kevin has attested to the biography's veracity.

Garrett Reisman
Garrett Reisman (Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Twitter) is an engineer and former NASA astronaut. He joined SpaceX as a senior engineer working on astronaut safety and mission assurance. He was later promoted to director of crew operations. He left this position in May 2018 and is now a Senior Advisor. He also functions as Professor of Astronautical Engineering at University of Southern California.
“I first met Elon for my job interview,” Reisman told the USA TODAY Network's Florida Today. “All he wanted to talk about were technical things. We talked a lot about different main propulsion system design architectures.
“At the end of my interview, I said, ‘Hey, are you sure you want to hire me? You’ve already got an astronaut, so are you sure you need two around here?’ ” Reisman asked. “He looked at me and said, ‘I’m not hiring you because you’re an astronaut. I’m hiring you because you’re a good engineer.’ ”
Managing SpaceX and Tesla, building out new businesses and maintaining relationships with his family makes Musk a busy billionaire.
“He’s obviously skilled at all those different functions, but certainly what really drives him and where his passion really is, is his role as CTO,” or chief technology officer, Reisman said. “Basically his role as chief designer and chief engineer. That’s the part of the job that really plays to his strengths."
What's really remarkable to me is the breadth of his knowledge. I mean I've met a lot of super super smart people but they're usually super super smart on one thing and he's able to have conversations with our top engineers about the software, and the most arcane aspects of that and then he'll turn to our manufacturing engineers and have discussions about some really esoteric welding process for some crazy alloy and he'll just go back and forth and his ability to do that across the different technologies that go into rockets cars and everything else he does.

Josh Boehm
Josh Boehm (LinkedIn, Quora) is the former Head of Software Quality Assurance at SpaceX.
Elon is both the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer of SpaceX, so of course he does more than just ‘some very technical work’. He is integrally involved in the actual design and engineering of the rocket, and at least touches every other aspect of the business (but I would say the former takes up much more of his mental real estate). Elon is an engineer at heart, and that’s where and how he works best.

Statements by External Observers

Eric Berger
Eric Berger (Twitter, LinkedIn) is a space journalist and Ars Technica's senior space editor. He has been interviewing SpaceX employees for an upcoming book on its early days.
True. Elon is the chief engineer in name and reality.

Christian Davenport
Christian Davenport is the Washington Post's defense and space reporter and the author of "Space Barons". The following quotes are excerpts from his book.
He dispatched one of his lieutenants, Liam Sarsfield, then a high-ranking NASA official in the office of the chief engineer, to California to see whether the company was for real or just another failure in waiting.
Most of all, he was impressed with Musk, who was surprisingly fluent in rocket engineering and understood the science of propulsion and engine design. Musk was intense, preternaturally focused, and extremely determined. “This was not the kind of guy who was going to accept failure,” Sarsfield remembered thinking.
Throughout the day, as Musk showed off mockups of the Falcon 1 and Falcon 5, the engine designs, and plans to build a spacecraft capable of flying humans, Musk peppered Sarsfield with questions. He wanted to know what was going on within NASA. And how a company like his would be perceived. He asked tons of highly technical questions, including a detailed discussion about “base heating,” the heat radiating out from the exhaust going back up into the rocket’s engine compartment—a particular problem with rockets that have clusters of engines next to one another, as Musk was planning to build.
Now that he had a friend inside of NASA, Musk kept up with the questions in the weeks after Sarsfield’s visit, firing off “a nonstop torrent of e-mails” and texts, Sarsfield said. Musk jokingly warned that texting was a “core competency.” “He sends texts in a constant flow,” Sarsfield recalled. “I found him to be consumed by whatever was in front of him and anxious to solve problems. This, combined with a tendency to work eighteen hours a day, is a sign of someone driven to succeed.” Musk was particularly interested in the docking adapter of the International Space Station, the port where the spacecraft his team was designing would dock. He wanted to know the dimensions, the locking pin design, even the bolt pattern of the hatch. The more documents Sarsfield sent, the more questions Musk had.
“I really enjoyed the way he would pore over problems anxious to absorb every detail. To my mind, someone that clearly committed deserves all the support and help you can give him.”

Mosdell ( 10th employee ) found Musk a touch awkward and abrupt, but smart. Mosdell had showed up prepared to talk about his experience building launchpads, which, after all, was what SpaceX wanted him to do. But instead, Musk wanted to talk hard-core rocketry. Specifically the Delta IV rocket and its RS-68 engines, which Mosdell had some experience with when at Boeing. Over the course of the interview, they discussed “labyrinth purges” and “pump shaft seal design” and “the science behind using helium as opposed to nitrogen.”

After the meeting on Valentine’s Day adjourned, Musk offered to give the group a tour of his facility. To this group of engineers and entrepreneurs, it was like an invitation to a six-year-old to visit a chocolate factory. As Musk guided them through the factory floor, the group “let loose with detailed, technical questions, and he answered all of them,” Gedmark said. “Not once did he say, ‘I don’t feel comfortable answering that because it’s proprietary.’… It was certainly impressive.”

John Carmack
John Carmack (Twitter, Wikipedia) is a programmer, video game developer and engineer. He's the founder of Armadillo Aerospace and current CTO of Oculus VR.
Elon is definitely an engineer. He is deeply involved with technical decisions at spacex and Tesla. He doesn’t write code or do CAD today, but he is perfectly capable of doing so.

Robert Zubrin
Robert Zubrin (Wikipedia) is an aerospace engineer and author, best known for his advocacy of human exploration of Mars.
When I met Elon it was apparent to me that although he had a scientific mind and he understood scientific principles, he did not know anything about rockets. Nothing. That was in 2001. By 2007 he knew everything about rockets - he really knew everything, in detail. You have to put some serious study in to know as much about rockets as he knows now. This doesn't come just from hanging out with people.

Statements by Elon Himself

Yes. The design of Starship and the Super Heavy rocket booster I changed to a special alloy of stainless steel. I was contemplating this for a while. And this is somewhat counterintuitive. It took me quite a bit of effort to convince the team to go in this direction.
I know more about rockets than anyone at the company by a pretty significant margin, I could redraw substantial portions of the rocket from memory without the blueprints
Tim Dodd: "What people don't understand is that you're the lead engineer. You're literally sitting"
Musk: "Literally. This is a... I've actually had a dinner with some, with a, with a friend and he was like 'well who's the chief engineer of SpaceX?' I was like it's me. He was like 'it's not you, who is it?' Look it's either someone with a very low ego or I don't know."
Interviewer: What do you do when you're at SpaceX and Tesla? What does your time look like there?
Elon: Yes, it's a good question. I think a lot of people think I must spend a lot of time with media or on businessy things*. But actually almost all my time, like 80% of it, is spent on engineering and design.* Engineering and design, so it's developing next-generation product. That's 80% of it.
Interviewer: You probably don't remember this. A very long time ago, many, many, years, you took me on a tour of SpaceX. And the most impressive thing was that you knew every detail of the rocket and every piece of engineering that went into it. And I don't think many people get that about you.
Elon: Yeah. I think a lot of people think I'm kind of a business person or something, which is fine. Business is fine. But really it's like at SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell is Chief Operating Officer. She manages legal, finance, sales, and general business activity. And then my time is almost entirely with the engineering team, working on improving the Falcon 9 and our Dragon spacecraft and developing the Mars Colonial architecture. At Tesla, it's working on the Model 3 and, yeah, so I'm in the design studio, take up a half a day a week, dealing with aesthetics and look-and-feel things. And then most of the rest of the week is just going through engineering of the car itself as well as engineering of the factory. Because the biggest epiphany I've had this year is that what really matters is the machine that builds the machine, the factory. And that is at least two orders of magnitude harder than the vehicle itself.
submitted by DragonGod2718 to SpaceXLounge [link] [comments]

Duke Interview Story

So, not sure if this interests anyone on this thread, but I think it’s a super crazy story and didn’t really know who to tell.
Last week I got a request to do my Duke alumni interview. Duke is near the top of my list, so I was really excited and wanted to do well. I decided I would start prepping first by going online and finding some resources on how to practice. After finding the typical sources (Niche, Princeton Review, etc.), I wanted to know specifically what Duke would ask me that other school wouldn’t. That’s when I found Randy Haldeman on Quora.
He not only had been a Duke interviewer for more than 15 years, but was spilling the tea on what questions Duke interviewers ask, how they grade you, and the tricks they use to understand each prospective student’s thought process. Finding his page was basically a cheat sheet, and others knew it too, because his page had over 300k+ views.
Anyway, I did my interview and it went great. Days later I hadn’t really thought about my preparation or Randy’s page, so I decided to give him a google. Everything he had said on Quora was true: he was a Duke alum making bank as a CEO in Silicon Valley with a wonderful family and big online presence. I then saw an unusual title under the “news” google section: Accused West Menlo Serial Child Molester Bound Over for Trial. To my disbelief appeared a blown up mugshot a homeless looking Randy, the guy who’d helped me so much through the admissions interview process.
He had been convicted on 20 accounts of sexual assault of children, spanning 20 years. I was shocked, but felt even more creeped out when I realized that was the exact same time period he had made a point of stating he was a college interviewer.
It was especially sad because I also remember how much he had written about his daughter, whom he was very proud of for attending Duke as well. Crazy.
submitted by PrincessPubes420 to duke [link] [comments]

Genuine question: Do ABCD Indian guys actually prefer dating ACBD Indian girls?

I am an Indian girl and I have always preferred Indian guys over other guys even though I have been raised in America and around mostly white people. I have dated a couple of white guys, mostly cuz that is the race that is most dominant where I live and I get approached by white guys more. But I always have preferred Indian guys and want to marry and settle down with one. I feel like I will relate better to someone of a similar culture as me and I also find Indian looking guys more attractive. (And before you incels say that I am whoring myself out to “white chads”, NO I am still a virgin and saving myself for marriage.) Do ABCD Indian men feel the same way? Do you guys actually prefer dating Indian girls over others? Because I have heard a lot of Indian people(both guys and girls) saying that Indian guys only get with Indian girls as a last resort cuz they “can’t get other girls”. And that if they could get white girls and if family issues weren’t a problem, 95% of Indian dudes wouldn’t even bother with Indian girls. Is this true? I know that most guys IN India obsess over goris, like taking selfies with white tourists and stuff, and theres always white background dancers in movies for no logical reason. But I was not sure what ABCD Indian guys thought. I see literal tiktok accounts dedicated to bashing brown girls and many famous Indians subtly state their preference for non-Indian girls, and you see sooo many questions on quora like “How can a Indian man marry a foreigner girl” or “Do white girls like Indian guys“. I have even done a lot of browsing on sites like looksmax and even here on reddit and it seems like all the Indian guys put white girls and white passing girls on a pedestal. They say horrid things about brown girls and I even saw a guy on there posting screenshots of him harassing a brown girl calling her ugly and other Indian guys were praising him for “humbling her”. And I see plenty of youtube videos made by brown guys titled "why white girls should date brown guys", and even random street interviews where brown guys are going up to random white girls and asking if they would date an Indian guy. I mean if this is the case and most Indian guys dont even want Indian girls as their first choice, I think I might stop obsessing over Indian guys so much and open my options out to other races of men. Cuz I dont want to end up with someone who never wanted me as a 1st choice anyways.
Note: I am mainly directing this question towards ABCDesis and not NRIs or recent immigrants.
submitted by sushilover79 to ABCDesis [link] [comments]

Duke Alumni Interview

So, not sure if this interests anyone on this thread, but I think it’s a super crazy story and didn’t really know who to tell.
Last week I got a request to do my Duke alumni interview. Duke is near the top of my list, so I was really excited and wanted to do well. I decided I would start prepping first by going online and finding some resources on how to practice. After finding the typical sources (Niche, Princeton Review, etc.), I wanted to know specifically what Duke would ask me that other school wouldn’t. That’s when I found Randy Haldeman on Quora.
He not only had been a Duke interviewer for more than 15 years, but was spilling the tea on what questions Duke interviewers ask, how they grade you, and the tricks they use to understand each prospective student’s thought process. Finding his page was basically a cheat sheet, and others knew it too, because his page had over 300k+ views.
Anyway, I did my interview and it went great. Days later I hadn’t really thought about my preparation or Randy’s page, so I decided to give him a google. Everything he had said on Quora was true: he was a Duke alum making bank as a CEO in Silicon Valley with a wonderful family and big online presence. I then saw an unusual title under the “news” google section: Accused West Menlo Serial Child Molester Bound Over for Trial. To my disbelief appeared a blown up mugshot of a homeless looking Randy, the guy who’d helped me so much through the admissions interview process.
He had been convicted on 20 accounts of sexual assault of children, spanning 20 years. I was shocked, but felt even more creeped out when I realized that was the exact same time period he had made a point of stating he was a college interviewer.
It was especially sad because I also remember how much he had written about his daughter, whom he was very proud of for attending Duke as well. Crazy.
submitted by PrincessPubes420 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

Guide: How to get your first 10 customers

Hey everyone! I’m back with another post on how to turn an idea into a business. If you haven’t yet, check out this post for more context (seriously, it’ll help set you up for success here).
Let's assume there’s sufficient evidence that says there’s a demand/a problem and you want to see if you can make some money going after it - great! You’ll likely ask the next question “How do I get my first 10 customers?” To answer that, you’ll need two things - 1.) an offer and 2.) potential customers.
Wait… what about the product? Hold off on that for now. Typically, I recommend not to build anything, or at least not software. I’ll touch more on that below.
Let’s start with the offer. An offer is a promise you sell to customers about solving their problems. In most cases, you don’t even need to build a product to sell your promise. To be clear, I’m not saying that you should lie - if you won’t be able to solve the problem, then don’t promise that you can. Our goal right now isn’t to figure out if you can build it, it’s to figure out if you can sell it.
Here’s why I love offers more than products - it helps de-risk two of the three fundamental challenges all startups face 1.) market risk and 2.) channel risk (product risk is the third if you were wondering). Market risk is asking the question “does anyone actually want/need this?” and channel risk askes the question “can you acquire customers (ideally profitably) through marketing channels?”. In my experience, I’ve seen significantly more startups fail due to market and channel issues than product issues.
Now that you’ve got your offer, let’s talk to potential customers. It is crucial that you show your offer to the right people, otherwise, the data you get back won’t be accurate. There’s a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this.
Most people will ask themselves “who do I think has this problem” and then relentlessly hunt those people down - this is a fine start, but we can do better. What I recommend is to ask yourself this, “who has the problem, knows they have the problem, and is currently DOING something about it?”
The latter part of that is key. You want to find people who are already trying to solve this problem on their own. Why? Because these people have already decided that it's a problem worth their time/money to solve.
With that context in mind here are some tactics to get your first 10 customers:
This is one post in a series of posts that will come around how to de-risk companies faster. I’ll hang out in the comments for discussion.
PS I just started using Twitter like all the cool kids, follow me if you want to see more content like this.
Edit - Adding Content Marketing: Creating optimized content for SEO or Quora can be a great way to catch buyers through search intent.
submitted by papapatty11 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

Dhoni "Don't you think it's unfair that you play a team sport where the captain receives the trophy"? Have you guys seen this gem of an interview of Dhoni's after winning the 2018 IPL trophy?

Have you guys ever wondered why MS always gives away trophies and stands back? Well here is the answer from the man himself. Long, long back I have seen a Quora answer about captains before Dhoni holding trophies and Dhoni giving away trophies and then captains after Dhoni following the culture of giving trophies to others.

Find where he is
Here is the link
Dhoni at 9.08 says "Don't you think it's unfair that you play a team sport where the captain receives the trophy? That itself is an overexposure"
This is the answer to the question where the interviewer shows his winning instances and asks him "Where is MS Dhoni'? Ironically MSD is most trolled or criticized for stealing the limelight!!!
This is interview was given to Star after winning the 2018 IPL edition. It was one of the great interviews. MS style of captaincy is mostly an open book, but I don't think anyone can follow it, because mostly it is about believing one's instincts like backing players, staying till the end, waiting for bad balls to hit out of the park. Everything about this man is so unique, I still remember him playing with his daughter, Ziva, after winning the 2018 IPL. And one more great thing he always says "Its the process that matters, not results", something on the lines what Bhagwad Gita says "You are only here to do work, the fruits of the work do not belong to you".
submitted by theneo13 to Cricket [link] [comments]

After computer engineering?

I have been reading a lot of stories on Quora about Amazon placements etc. I have been asking people a lot.. I really want to absorb as much as guidance I can.
I am a third year computer engineering student from a not so bad, not too good college of Mumbai University.. I have a decent cgpa of 7 till the end of second year, I'm expecting it to reach 7.8 by the end.. I have done 4-5 internships at places like camp k12 etc. I have come to a conclusion of not going for ms but to get a job.. I am good at development but I am working on improving my competitive programming now..
So my questions:
  1. How to get hired at Amazon as an SDE?? Is there like an internship or something that I have to do first and how do I get it?
  2. Is Infosys good to work at?? Does it pay good in the long run?
  3. I have a distant relative working at Amazon at a very big post (something like team lead for AWS or something) in San Francisco, should I approach him for a job? Idk what should I ask him...
    I have a few start-ups I have made contacts with who are ready to offer me internships with job but they pay really less.. so I am not considering that..
  4. What about other companies? Like Jio, tcs, wipro what is it like working there?
  5. Should I start making contacts with HR people? Will they be able to get me in for an interview if I am able to convince them of my skills?
PS: I have already read Quora for these questions like 1000 times, and spent time ytb watching channels like Love Babbar (was very informative) etc. really need some more solid guidance as I still am quite lost and don't wanna end up wasting time in 'job search' later
Tl;dr I want to get a good software engineering job in India/ abroad, I am currently in sem 6 of computer engineering; guide me.
submitted by starlordit to india [link] [comments]

What to do if you are pursuing Computer Science undergrad from a tier-2 college

This is in reply to a query by a user (whose privacy I will respect) on a month-long thread. My reply was too long so here it is:
Right. I think it's time to get started on this now. Enough procrastination.I wish to answer not only the question you asked, but also wish to convey whatever I feel you should do in the next 4 years.
First off -- I truly apologize for leaving you hanging like this for nearly a month. I wasn't even free during Dasara and after that things kinda petered out.
Coming to the point:
Programming is the ABC of Computer Science. I know many faculty members and others are saying that the core concept is not only programming, but the fact remains that if you are shoddy in programming, you are going to have a tough time in CSE.
Much of CS theory is about large systems in various levels and how to build and maintain them, but at the end of the day, the building blocks of such systems are code. Programming is like the language through which the systems are expressed.
A metaphor I might use is that when you're giving a speech in English, your content is important, but your grammar, diction and pronunciation matter too. Similarly, you might be writing a database program, a web app, an ML experiment, an operating system or code for a microcontroller, but in the end, you're still programming. What you write and how you write changes -- but there are some fundamental principles which apply.
That's it for one of your questions. Now, the rest of what I wanted to say.
There's a quote from one of my seniors from what I would say is the 2nd/3rd best engineering undergrad college in my city (and a top 5 in my state).He said -- "Classes end at 5. Learning starts at 5."
You have to realise that there is a certain amount of obsolescence in engineering education in almost ALL colleges in India -- even in most of the ones that have good placements. They are obsolete in both the methods and the content.
So, what do you do?
The answer: Learn as much as you can by yourself.
The very first thing you need to do is to catch hold of one of the knowledgeble 4th years of your college and find out the CGPA cutoffs for campus placements and, if you have masters/PhD ambitions, the general CGPA of the students who go for that.
Depending on your aim, your goal is to have a CGPA that is just above the cutoff. Anything more than that is a waste of time, but anything less than that is a disaster. The thing is, having a perfect CGPA won't help you, but having a bad CGPA will hurt you. If the best company has a 8 CGPA cutoff -- you need 8.01 CGPA. But 10CGPA and 8.01 CGPA are pretty much the same in their eyes. After that point, the rest of your CV and your performance in their selection process is what matters. The same applies to foreign studies as well. I don't have an exact cutoff here, but you should be able to find out. I guess a 9 at the very least.
With the CGPA out of the way, let's talk about the rest of the faculty interaction.
Don't argue with faculty. Keep your head down. If they say 2+2 = 5, you say "yes sir, 2+2 = 5" and keep in mind that 2+2 = 4 and carry on. You never know when they will bite back. If faculty handle placements process, then that's where they could take their revenge.

The main things companies want are:
  1. Good problem solving skills using the right data structures and algorithms.
  2. Good experience with modern tools.
  3. Plenty of experience working on your own projects and contributing to other projects.
So, what you should be doing is:
  1. Install Ubuntu (either dual-boot or otherwise) on your laptop. Do all your coding work in Ubuntu. Off-topic here -- get a good laptop. Spend at least 50K on it (unless you are in a MAJOR financial crunch) and get something with 8GB of RAM, an i5 or the AMD equivalent, and an SSD. The reason is that you will be spending most of your time on your laptop so things like boot time, loading time, responsiveness etc add up quickly. Further, in my experience, laptops of around 30K price rarely last beyond 2-3 years -- so you'll be spending 60K in 4 years anyway. Might as well do it in the beginning and get a good laptop.
  2. Get familiar with the Vim editor. Do all your coding in Vim to start with. Once you are generally familiar with 3-4 languages (C, C++, Python, Java) then move on to VS Code.
  3. Start with the Python programming language through MIT 6.0001x. Once you have some familiarity with Python, IMMEDIATELY move on to C. Yes, C. Not C++. I am a little old-school here but I believe manually allocating and deallocating memory and learning how not to get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" errors is a worthwhile exercise in programming discipline. Learn C from Harvard's CS50.
  4. Here's the thing -- remember how the only way to learn Maths properly was to do Maths problems? The same principle applies to programming as well. The only way to be a good programmer is to practice programming. In both MIT 6.0001 and CS50, you MUST do the programming exercises given. There's no use just looking at a lecture.
  5. Once you are familiar with functions ,while/for loops, multidimensional arrays, malloc/free, immediately start practicing problems from Hackerrank -> Algorithms -> Implementation. Do it in C. DO NOT SEE SOLUTIONS. And definitely do not view the extra testcases. Remember, these questions test your general problem-solving ability and DO NOT need any extra DSA knowledge.
  6. You should be done with Hackerrank->Algorithms->Implementation in C by the end of your first semester, or at the latest, the middle of your second semester.
  7. Now, it's time to start learning DSA. I never really used any online resource for this as my college prof is a legend. That said, I have heard good things about some NPTEL IIT courses. I suppose there is some or the other Quora answer which will tell you where to learn from. Don't get bogged down by which language the course uses. I would suggest you to implement all the key data structures and algorithms at least once in C.
  8. Practice the various data structures and algorithms using the relevant filter on Hackerrank. The cool thing about Hackerrank is that you can filter by topic.
  9. After this, familiarize yourself with C++ and in particular, the Standard Template Library.
  10. Once you are familiar with the various data structures and algorithms, now is the time to prove yourself on Codechef, Codeforces and in other programming contests. Practicing on Leetcode is also a good idea. The gold standard of the contests is the ACM-ICPC -- the World Finalists from India are usually from some IIT, IIIT (H, B, A, D). There are other contests too -- and participating in them is a good way to make your mark. Some companies even recruit through contests like Google Code Jam, Kickstart, Facebook Hacker Cup etc. For some perspective, many of the ACM ICPC World Finalists go on to work at Google Mountain View even if their college doesn't have any footprint.
  11. Don't totally ignore coursework either. Some subjects, like databases, operating systems, networking, DSA, compilers etc should be studied not for marks, but for expertise in the subject. Placements ke time mein kaam aayega.
  12. It's not all about DSA and problem solving. You should demonstrate that you have experience in building and contributing to large systems through projects. You should familiarize yourself with modern tools across the board. When your college uses Turbo C /C++ compiler, you should use gcc and g++. When they suggest coding in Notepad, you should become familiar with VS Code, Atom or customized Vim. You should also become familiar with version control systems like Git as well as cloud repositories like Github. It is vital that you contribute to open source projects. Another standard for such participation is the Google Summer of Code.
  13. Come placements time, if you have done all this, another major factor is your ability to communicate in English. Start reading novels in your spare time and watch your vocabulary and grammar break the glass ceiling. You should also get used to situations like public speaking, communicating effectively and without fear to your superiors etc because these are the skills that will give you confidence during your interview.
That's all I have to say. DM me if you have any questions.

EDIT: I totally forgot about AIML/Data Science. Do ML ONLY after you have done a semester each of Linear Algebra, Probability/Statistics and Multivariate Calculus. Don't think that the Andrew Ng Coursera course is enough. Learn preprocessing, exploratory data visualization too. Learn the mathematical derivations for every algorithm right from Linear Regression all the way till Deep Neural Networks. Practice and compete on Kaggle. Learn how to use Numpy, Pandas , Matplotlib, Seaborn, SKLearn, Tensorflow2/Keras, Pytorch etc.

EDIT2: DON'T NEGLECT MATHS. It will bite your ass.
submitted by pakodanomics to Indian_Academia [link] [comments]

To my fellow internationals,

*please upvote so all internationals can see this post*
(Disclaimer: I commented on a post yesterday and I received a huge amount of messages, I tried to answer as much as I could but there was over 100 messages left so I decided to make a post for everyone.)
Hey everyone, my name is Amine, from Morocco. I'm here to share with all my fellow internationals how I got accepted to a US university with over $40,000 scholarship.
I am aware that this process must be very hard and confusing to most of us but I'm here to help you all. Here are the main point that you should know about the application process:

  1. Common App
  2. College list
  3. Intro emails
  4. Scholarships and Financial Aid application
  5. Supportive documents for the financial aid
  6. English proficiency test
  7. SAT and SAT subject test
  8. Common App Essay and Supplemental essays
  9. Transcripts
  10. Teacher's and counselor's recommendation letter
  11. College Interviews
To start off, we are going to talk about the common app. The common app is an undergraduate college admission application that applicants may use to apply to any of more than 800 colleges and universities, as well as in Canada, China, Japan, and many European countries. Its mission is to promote access, equity, and integrity in the college admission process, which includes subjective factors gleaned from essays and recommendations alongside more objective criteria such as class rank. When you log in, you will need to fill out everything in order to give the school every information needed. you will also be asked to select the schools you want to apply to ( you have up to 20 colleges). So how do I choose the right university for me? this what leads us to the second part: The College List

The College list: the college list is basically the list to schools you choose to apply to. You should do your own research about what schools you're looking for. Ask yourself these questions: what major do I want to study? Does location matter? Do I want to go to a small liberal art college or a big state school? Do I need financial aid and scholarships or not?
Knowing the answer to all these questions will give you a big start, there is a lot of ressources you can use to make your college list. ( for exemple: Niche, College Board, college confidential, Reddit, Quora, and the universities website, etc...)
After you choose the colleges you want to apply to you will need to check their requirements and see if you have a chance there.

Intro Email: After you choose the school you want to apply to, you will need to show interest. By sending an intro email, you present yourself an at the same time you talk about the school and show your high interest. I can send you all a general template of how it looks like.

Scholarships and Financial Aid Application: In the US there is two type for us, international students, to have money from the school. 1. Merit-based scholarships*:* when you apply to the college you're automatically qualified for a merit based scholarship depending on your academic achievements: GPA, SAT, IELTS, and essays. 2. Financial Aid: if your family is not able to pay the cost of a US university, you can apply to financial aid. However, you will need to fill out some forms:
a- ISFAA: International Student Financial Aid Application
b- Certification of Finances
c- CSS Profile
P.S: Most schools asks for the CSS profile but quite few ask for one of the two others, as for the others, you can find them on Google.

After sending these forms, you will be asked to provide some supportive documents as a proof like: The Salary Statement of both parents, Unemployment Certificate if one of the parents doesn't work, Bank statements of the past three months, Tax form, etc...

Let's now talk about english proficiency tests: if your first language is not English, you will need to take the IELTS and TOEFL, they are both english tests that are REQUIRED for international students in order for the the school to know your level in english, they both have four sections: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. I linked a website to understand better the difference between them. By the way, a good score in the IELTS is 7.0/9 and a good score in the TOEFL is 100+/120

Now, let's talk about the SAT. the SAT is a The SAT is a standarized test widely used for college admission. The SAT takes three hours to finish, plus 50 minutes for the SAT with essay, and as of 2019 costs US$49.50 (US$64.50 with the optional essay), excluding late fees, with additional processing fees if the SAT is taken outside the United States. Scores on the SAT range from 400 to 1600, combining test results from two 200-to-800-point sections: Mathematics, and Critical Reading and Writing.
the SAT has a huge factor on your admission as it shows your academic abilities in both sections English and Math.
As of the SAT subject test, they are college admission exams on specific subjects. These are the only national admission tests where you choose the tests that best showcase your strengths and interests.

Now let's move to The Common App Essay, otherwise known as the personal statement, is one of the most important parts of your application. The personal statement is your best chance to show who you really are and what you care most about. The rest of your application is primarily numbers and facts! So, how do you write the best personal statement. (btw, you have 650 word limit)
First things first, here’s a list of things that you should NOT talk about:

The personal statement can be incredibly powerful in showing admission officers your character. Don’t just throw it together - spend a lot of time brainstorming and drafting this essay!
P.S: After adding your all your colleges in the Common app, you will find the writing section of each school, and there you can find if there's any suppemental essay. A supplemental essay is ofter short answers essay where you will be asked to talk about something specific depending on the question. ( they can be more than just one)

Next, we are going to talk about your transcripts. US colleges asks for all your high school's transcripts, starting from 9th grade. You will need to translate them in english in case they are not and ask your counselor to submit them for you.

After that, you will need at least one teacher's recommendation letter and one counselor's recommendation letter. You will need to ask the teacher that knows you best and with whom you have a good relationship.

After you submit your application, you will need to book an interview with an admission officer or alumna who will ask you ome basic question, the interviews last between 25 minutes and 45 minutes. The main purpose of the interview is for the AOs to get to know you better and if you ever have questions about the schools this would be the perfect moment.

I know the struggle, I have been through all this and more, and I had to discover all of this by myself it was so stressful and seems impossible. So please if you have any questions or any concerns, you can email me or leave a comment.
submitted by aslaoui2003 to IntltoUSA [link] [comments]

Please convince me astrology is bullshit. I was in a vulnerable place and went down the rabbit hole of astrology and I hate it. It's controlling my life and I need help breaking out!

[[[ Edit: I really wasn’t expecting such a positive reply. I honestly thought I’d get trolled more than I’d get helped. I’m grateful to everyone who responded with a genuine intention to help and the niceness.
The general consensus is that I need professional help for my mental health. I’m going to try to make it available to me at the earliest.
And lastly, I feel much better. I’m still anxious and fearful, but also feeling better. So thank you for that. ]]]
Now before everyone starts judging me please know I wasn't always this obsessed about astrology. In fact I'm one of those people who keep logic and critical thinking at the forefront. However circumstances in life have made me so vulnerable and hopeless, that I'm spiraling down a rabbit-hole of astrology.
My family, especially my mother and her side of the family have always been believers of vedic astrology and kundli horoscopes. In fact they used to consult someone who ended up predicting almost everything accurately in their lives and as a result their belief and trust in him grew. Since I was a kid I have always distanced myself from astrologers and their predictions.
I remember whenever my parents would come back after taking me and my brother's kundlis for consultation, I would always just go sit in another room (when they'd discuss/tell us about it) because I didn't want to hear what the guy said. Firstly, because almost always it was something negative, and secondly, I felt it just ruined the mood and pushed you to make choices that you might not have considered before... turning the predictions into a sort of self fulfilling prophecy.
Now before I get into the astrology-bs I'm in, some back story:
I've had depression and anxiety as a teen. I've been to therapists a couple of times but it hasn't helped that much.
I graduated from engineering in 2017 and even though I was a better student and scored fairly well, things didn't work out so well. Due to an unfortunate circumstance I lost the on-campus placement I had secured. People who were less smart than me now have better careers and lives. I was unemployed for 8 months until I found an unpaid internship with a great MNC. I tried hard but it never turned into a full on paid role. Somehow I managed to get an interview at a company thanks to a reference from my cousin and got placed there as a software trainee. Even the job and role in itself had no growth or learning, I was happy to be finally employed. That year itself I met and started dating my first ever boyfriend.
So trouble began last year. The job was pathetic, my manager didn't treat me like a normal human and wouldn't even look me in the eye when he talked to me. He used to think trainees were useless and beneath him and ended up delegating someone else in the team the task to help me learn the ropes and get tasks done. I was so unhappy that I would often come home with an intention to put my papers the next day. But I kept on getting up every morning and dealing with it.
I was never expecting that on a fine Monday morning when I'm called for a meeting with my manager it'd be because I was being laid off. It was out of the blue and it was shocking. I felt like a rug had been pulled from underneath me. My relationship with my boyfriend was a bit tumultuous before but from here shit started to hit the fan. From the last year we've been in an on/off relationship. There have been massive fights and he's broken my heart by telling me he doesn't love me and thinks that he might never be able to. When I broke up with him over that, he backtracked and said he could love me with time and that he doesn't want to lose me. The emotional fool I am, I took his manipulative bait. He's been toxic and emotionally abusive and immature but patient and sweet at the same time. It's been a hellish roller coaster.
So when I lost my job again and got depressed my mother got worried. My cousin used to consult an astrology service at that time. Its a telecom company's calling astro service wherein astrologers speak to you on the phone and make predictions at Rs9/min. My cousin swore by this one specific astrologer she used to speak to at this service and naturally my mother decided to consult him(given the cool Rs9/min deal as well).
He would predict overall good things, about my future and my relationship. Some of his predictions were accurate. With just the name of my bf he was able to tell what he looks like and the exact spot he has a mole on his face on as well as many of his characteristics. When I gave him my bf's birthdate, he always told me that my bf is a good guy by nature and he loves me but isn't able to express it. He used to tell me he'd never misguide me and that me and my bf actually do have a happy stable future together. I love my bf and obviously this gave me lots of hope so I kept enduring and overlooking things in the relationship.
At the career front I applied to multiple jobs and would rarely get a call back. Whenever I did get a callback, I'd clear interview after interview till they'd reject me in the last round. I would call up the astrologer disheartened and he swore by the fact that I have an amazing career ahead of me and that "mera guarantee hai apka iss mahine job lag jaega. Mai apko kabhi galat guide kar sakta hoon kya?". He was telling me exactly what I needed to hear, both on the career and love front and I kept on believing him. But things never turned out quite like he said. I never got a job, my love life was bad and then covid hit. So when asked about his guarantee he used the excuse "Ye toh parmata ka kaam hai. Parmata se bada koi nahi. Aur Covid toh sabke sath hi problems create kar raha hai, sirf aapke sath nahi".
As you can tell by now I had already built a dependency on it. Every time shit got bad mentally (and more often than not it was due to relationship issues), I'd call him up. I used to trust this astrologer because after talking to him I felt positive (because he was lying as I later find out). Whenever me and my bf would have a fight, I'd be really upset and unable to eat or sleep but the astrologer would predict the exact date after which my bf would contact me again and say sorry and it always came true. A few weeks ago he left that consultancy service and I started talking to someone else who was even more positive and I guess this is where I realised he was overselling it. My life wasn't as good as he kept saying.
So on a random day I talked to a random guy from the service and not my "regular". He laid things out to me brutally honest. Apparently my kundli has a negative conjunction in the 7th house(the house of marriage and relationships). He said my kundli shows that I value relationships and bonds but unfortunately no matter who I'm with, my current bf or someone else, my relationships are bound to be rocky and always on the brink of breaking off. I will never get the amount of love I give back. There will always be problems. He said even my married life wouldn't be happy. I also have Shani and Jupiter that'd delay my marriage and any career related ventures.
In order to test his knowledge I asked him to tell me about my life so far. I gave him specific years to talk about and 99% of his words were accurate. He spoke about my past romantic likings and how even they never worked out well. How I've always had to struggle harder compared to my peers at school/college to get where they are and even then get unsuccessful results. How I was unemployed and struggled for a while before catching a break. Whatever he told me had happened to me, year by year, month by month. He predicted when I started my relationship, when I lost my job, and when my relationship started turning worse. I felt like he was playing a reel of my life just using my birthdate and time. He told me my life has been full of struggles from an early age and will continue to be so because it's in my kundli.
Obviously this made my anxiety skyrocket. No one wants to hear their life isn't happy.. then what's the point of living (and believe me my depression makes me ask this question a lot). When he realised how low hearing all this made me feel, he gave me a lot of "upaaye" to strengthen my planets.
I asked him philosophically if this is my destiny just because it's in my kundli and I was born at the wrong place or wrong time. I asked him if i can change things. He told me "karm se sab kuch badal sakta hai" which feels like such an oxymoron to all of it.
Needless to say, the break up happened with my bf to the point where he doesn't even want to talk about it or meet me. He's disrespectful, cold, and indifferent. We haven't met since Covid lockdown, it's been 9 months and he's showed no interest to talk things out or even make an effort to come meet me. I'm still unemployed. I have exhausted all my references, sent hundreds of applications and reached out to so many people but there is no hope in sight. I feel like my life is falling apart.
The astrologer even predicted the next 5-6 years of my life, and 2021 in a lot of detail. Things don't look good for me and it's giving me so much anxiety and worry. I don't know what to do and I'm scared.
I am so dependent and obsessed with astrology now that I keep calling just to see if someone would say something else, something positive and interpret my kundli in some other way. I've wasted thousands of rupees making hour long calls. I can correlate a lot of the things this new astrologer said about my life and my personality to the reality that now I feel like I'm doomed. I feel helpless like no matter what I do, it's just not in my control. What's written is going to happen. I value relationships a lot, and I tried really fucking hard to make it work with my bf. I was supportive, loving, loyal without ans stayed by him without even getting half of the intensity back. If my karm and my efforts couldn't even change my destiny then what's the point. Same was with my efforts at the career front. Multiple references, multiple calls, multiple applications. Nothing works.
I'm just 25 but I'm really depressed, vulnerable, and helpless right now. I feel like my life has no meaning anymore and it just isn't worth continuing if I can't change things or have what I want even with hard work. I've become so desperate to be accepted and loved back, it's ruined my self esteem. I'd like to believe I'm a good person and I don't deserve any of this.
I've read about the Barnum effect but I don't think it'd apply here as when you're on a call, the other person isn't getting all the visual and behavioral cues. I can't seem to accept that this is just cognitive bias since his "past predictions" were specific and spot on.
I really need help. I've gone through below mentioned articles and multiple Quora posts about astrology and if its real.
Scientists said this
and this but I can't seem to think logically anymore. I used to be a smart woman :( Help
Nothing seems to take this crushing doomed feeling away (the astrologer said I have ketu over me right now and things should get better in a month -_-) but I'm just tired of wasting money and hours and my energy obsessing over this. It's ruling my life right now and I fell like I have no control anymore.
I don't know how to get out of this mindset. I wish I had never got into astrology. My self confidence has been completely ruined. My life feels like it's in shambles.
What have everyone else's experiences with astrology been like, especially when you've been to one who actually knew what he was talking about? How do I get out of this shit-hole and change my perspective? Please convince me all this is actual bullshit.
I want to believe I can create a life I think I deserve and not my what my stars think I should get.
I need hope.
submitted by Emotional_Mess_95 to india [link] [comments]

The ecommerce guide to acquiring new consumers

The ecommerce guide to acquiring new consumers
The ecommerce guide to acquiring new consumers. You can spend countless hours working on a great idea and perfecting your product or service, but all future growth boils down to one key factor — your ability to acquire new customers and retain them long-term.
Acquiring new customers may sound simple, but it can be incredibly challenging to find new opportunities in today’s saturated marketplace. If you don’t stay up to date and tweak your marketing strategies, you may struggle to keep your sales funnel full.
Here are actionable ways to acquire new customers, but first …

What is the cost of acquiring a new customer?

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the total sales and marketing cost required to earn a new customer over a designated period. This is important because it assigns real value to your marketing efforts and allows you to measure your ROI.
Displayed as a formula, it looks like this:
So if a company spent $300K on sales and marketing, and generated 300 new customers in one quarter, their customer acquisition cost would be $1K.
Note: The total marketing cost includes all program, software, and marketing spend, salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, and overhead associated with acquiring new leads and customers within the time period you’re evaluating (month, quarter, year.
Now that we’ve defined it, let’s look at how to acquire customers.

The best ways to acquire new customers

The list here is not the be-all end-all how to acquire customers, but each item is a common way for digital marketers to grow their customer base today.

Content marketing

Content is the foundation of advertising, because once you’ve published content (blog posts, ebooks, guides, videos, etc.) email, social media, etc. can promote it. It also generates about 3x as many leads as other marketing methods, and costs 62% less:
Consistently publishing new content — and refreshing the old — keeps your brand relevant and shows prospects that you’re actively engaged with your industry. This is crucial in a world full of false advertising and plummeting customer trust.

Highly targeted advertising

If you’re not generating the number of new customers you want — or enough qualified customers — define and redefine your target audience down to the finest details:
  • Where do they live?
  • How old are they?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • What is their family makeup like?
  • What do they like and dislike?
  • What problems do they have and how can your product or service help?
Market segmentation can help:
Retargeting old customers is a great place to start. While this might seem like customer retention, not acquisition, that’s not necessarily the case. If it’s been years since a customer was last active, many businesses won’t refer to that person as an existing customer anymore. Getting them back to your business is like re-acquiring them as a brand new customer. Use any old information you have on them (email, phone number, address, etc.), and reach out with an irresistible offer to earn their business again.

Developing business partnerships

Not everyone in your industry is a competitor. Chances are, there are several complementary businesses in your niche as well, with similar customer bases.
Take SaaS companies and integrations, for example. Integrations make it possible for software to speak to each other and send data back and forth. Without this capability, collecting and sharing lead data would be much harder — and you could be losing business as a result.
Example Your SaaS company integrates with MailChimp (email marketing) and Salesforce (CRM) because both are two of the most popular solutions in their respective industries. The problem is you don’t integrate with Zoho (another CRM solution). You learn through surveys that 40% of your prospects use MailChimp with Zoho and only 15% use Salesforce. Here, you could be losing potential customers simply for the fact that prospects prefer Zoho as their CRM.
This isn’t to say you can’t also integrate with Salesforce. But integrating (developing a business partnership) with Zoho could go a long way in attracting more customers.

Create a lead generating site

Your website might look professional and offer a ton of useful information for visitors, but does it generate new leads and acquire new customers?
It’s essential that, in addition to your website, you also have dedicated landing pages to capture contact information and fill the top of your sales funnel.
Often, your post-click landing page is the first and last thing people see connected to your business. Since you have less than five seconds to grasp their attention, make it stand out.
An attention-grabbing headline, prominent form, and contrasting CTA button are a must have.

Focus on benefits over features

Listing features can help sell your product to a certain extent, but it’s important you don’t overlook the customer experience. Highlighting your product’s benefits is a more direct way to relate to your customers and show them what they’ll gain by selecting your company over another.
List the features briefly, but focus primarily on the benefits. Think about your customer’s problems and dig deep to explain how your product solves those problems. This helps you stand out and shows customers what makes your brand unique.

Be present on social media

If you’re not present on social media, you’re missing out on a huge market that your competitors are likely already taking advantage of.
Having a social media presence doesn’t have to be expensive either. Creating a business account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn is free. Simply join discussions and groups that pertain to your industry. Provide helpful answers to questions, and insight on various posts to make yourself known.
Example GreenPal lawn care service has been extremely successful at acquiring new customers by monitoring local social media groups. GreenPal’s CEO, Bryan Clayton, says that when anyone in the groups asks for a lawn care service recommendation, they suggest GreenPal. The company tracked their success, and learned that 60% of recommendations led to new sign ups.
Not all of your followers will convert into customers, but the more followers you gain, the better chance you have at winning new customers.

Make your brand known on forums

Being on question-based forums like Quora is huge. By answering questions and talking about your product, you can make yourself known as an industry leader and attract new prospective customers.
Since discussion topics span across many areas, there are countless opportunities to be seen by simply answering questions that relate to your brand. Jason Lemkin, CEO of SaaStr, has answered over 2,000 questions on Quora that generates over 1 million monthly views as a result.
To find the right questions that will get you the largest return from your time:
  1. Use SEMrush to do a search on
  2. Navigate to the “Organic Research” tab under “Domain Analytics”
  3. With the list of top-ranking questions on Quora, run a search for a keyword related to your content
  4. Sort the results in descending order by search volume.
When answering questions don’t just post a link to your content as it’ll likely be removed. That’s no way to establish trust anyway. It’s okay to include links within your answers on occasion, but every answer should still provide value without having to visit elsewhere.

Offer deals and promotions

People love discounts because they save money and feel like they’re getting access to something exclusive and limited. Some ideas for offering deals and promotions include:
  • Using your social media accounts to run coupon ads
  • Creating an email marketing campaign that rewards subscribers for access to their inboxes with an exclusive offer
  • Throwing in low-stock items or items that are no longer made as freebies on orders over a certain quantity
The most successful promotional campaigns also inspire sharing. When people share offers with their family and friends, they’re more likely to be interested since it’s coming from someone they know and trust, rather than an ad from an unfamiliar brand. It makes them more likely to redeem the offer and continue sharing with others too.

Run giveaways

If people aren’t buying your product, consider giving them something for free. That doesn’t mean give away thousands of products, but running monthly or weekly giveaways can certainly work to your benefit. Giving someone the feeling that they “won” something is a powerful way to make them choose your product over a competitor’s.
Sweepstakes and contests are two different methods to choose from. A sweepstakes involves giving away something to a person selected at random (nothing is required from the person); while the winner of a contest is selected based on judgment.
In comparison, contests tend to be more effective because participants get more involved and engaged. This is great for acquiring new customers because even if someone doesn’t win, they’ve likely put enough effort into their entry that they may be more inclined to make a purchase now.
Both methods are great for building your email subscriber list because to enter you can require an email address. This way, you can send promotional emails if the contest didn’t entice them to make a purchase.

Showcase testimonials

One of the best ways to acquire new customers is to highlight existing ones. When you have proof that customers have a particularly positive experience, ask them to provide a testimonial in return.
Whether the testimonial is a short quote, review, case study, interview, etc., it’s proof that you deliver on your promises and helps prospects feel more confident they can trust you.

Keep track of the competition

Actively monitoring competitor’s marketing tactics, backlinks and traffic, web design, social mentions, products or services, etc. is the best way to stay ahead of the game.
This can be especially useful in acquiring new prospects because it puts you in prime position to swoop in and capitalize on any opportunities. For instance, if you know that a competitor has introduced an unpopular initiative, like a price increase, it may be the perfect time to step in and see if any of their clients are willing to jump ship.

Host an event

An increasing number of consumers like to actually experience brands, not just read about them online or get spammed by their ads. So much so that 89% of companies compete primarily on the basis of customer experience, versus only 36% in 2010.
Hosting an event is a great way to do this as it gives potential customers the opportunity to meet your brand on a more personal level. Depending on your product or service, you can either host an in-person event where customers can meet you or host an online webinar where it still feels personalized — like you’re right in front of your audience.

Ask for referrals

What better way to attract new customers than to use existing ones? But instead of relying on existing customers to evangelize your brand on their own, encourage them with a referral program.
The incentive can be a physical gift, a monetary reward, or a credit, just make sure it’s valuable to them. You can’t realistically expect valuable customer referrals without giving back something valuable in return.

Make sure your SEO is up to date

SEO complements content marketing efforts by optimizing content and making it easier for your target audience to find it. Rank high in SERPs and persuading people to click through is the ultimate goal here.
SEO best practices involve creating indexable content that search engines can read, decipher, and index by:
  • Including your primary keyword/phrase in the title
  • Adding related alt text to your images
  • Uploading video and audio transcripts
  • Linking internally within your site
  • Speeding up your page load times
SEO is a popular customer acquisition method because it’s relatively cost-effective. In fact, SEO and organic growth has shown to be the number one inbound marketing priority for many companies.

A/B test everything

A/B testing is crucial in determining which strategies and campaign components produce the highest numbers of conversions.
To get the most out of your A/B testing efforts:
  • Mark each new test in Google Analytics
  • Have a standard time frame how long you run each test and how many visitors must experience both versions
  • Create a process for executive approval to announce the winner
  • Move on to the next element to test
  • Repeat as needed
It’s important to test every facet of your campaign or strategy. For example, not just the post-click landing page copy, but the page’s entire layout. The more you know about the performance of your efforts, the more control you have over the end results.

Now that you acquired them, how do you retain them?

Keeping a steady flow of returning customers is equally as important. Here are a few reasons to focus on customer retention just as much as acquisition:
  • The cost of acquiring new customers vs retaining them is 6 times more
  • Increasing customer retention by 5% can increase revenue by 25-95%
  • The probability of selling to existing customers and new customers is 60-70% and 5-20%, respectively
  • 90% of satisfied consumers will purchase again
Customer retention strategies will vary based on business model, audience, resources, and more, but here are several key qualities all of them should have:
Convenience It’s hard to ignore something when it’s available at your fingertips, so make your products and services as accessible as possible. Identify your customers’ desires and behaviors, and create tools that empower them with convenience. For example, both Starbucks and McDonald’s have apps for customers to order ahead to eliminate the wait time on-site.
Altruism Sometimes a brand inspires customer loyalty with their company beliefs, instead of their sales tactics. Many consumers are focused on the altruistic and environmental effects that their buying habits have because doing good is so important to them. Find something that people care about and position your brand around it.
Personalization Execute customer service with an authentic human touch. Show you care by identifying your audience personas, communicating with them on their preferred channels, and adding personality to every interaction. SwiftERM personalizes each and every email it ends to each individual consumer. Based on their buying history and impressions, no two emails are every alike. It always uses the latest data to offer products unique to that individual, which is why the ROI is so huge.

Don’t miss out on customers

Every company needs to acquire new customers to keep their business running smoothly. While there are many ways to approach customer acquisition, they all result in the same thing.

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submitted by SwiftERM to u/SwiftERM [link] [comments]

Evidence that Musk is the Chief Engineer of SpaceX

There is a lot of scepticism of the claim that Musk is an engineer at all let alone the chief engineer of SpaceX. I wanted to collate the evidence backing it up here. I know some SpaceX employees have affirmed the claim.
I'm just looking for statements by credible sources that provide insight to what extent Musk is involved in concrete engineering decisions vs. managerial duties. I would add to this post the statements brought up in the comments.

Statements by SpaceX Employees

Tom Mueller
Tom Mueller (Wikipedia, LinkedIn) is one of SpaceX's founding employees. He served as the VP of Propulsion Engineering from 2002 to 2014 and Propulsion CTO from 2014 to 2019. He currently serves as an Senior Adviser. He's regarded as one of the foremost spacecraft propulsion experts in the world and owns many patents for propulsion technologies.
Not true, I am an advisor now. Elon and the Propulsion department are leading development of the SpaceX engines, particularly Raptor. I offer my 2 cents to help from time to time"
We’ll have, you know, a group of people sitting in a room, making a key decision. And everybody in that room will say, you know, basically, “We need to turn left,” and Elon will say “No, we’re gonna turn right.” You know, to put it in a metaphor. And that’s how he thinks. He’s like, “You guys are taking the easy way out; we need to take the hard way.”
And, uh, I’ve seen that hurt us before, I’ve seen that fail, but I’ve also seen— where nobody thought it would work— it was the right decision. It was the harder way to do it, but in the end, it was the right thing.
When the third chamber cracked, Musk flew the hardware back to California, took it to the factory floor, and, with the help of some engineers, started to fill the chambers with an epoxy to see if it would seal them. “He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty,” Mueller said. “He’s out there with his nice Italian shoes and clothes and has epoxy all over him. They were there all night and tested it again and it broke anyway.” Musk, clothes ruined, had decided the hardware was flawed, tested his hypothesis, and moved on quickly.
Source (Ashlee Vance's Biography).

Kevin Watson
Kevin Watson (LinkedIn) developed the avionics for Falcon 9 and Dragon. He previously managed the Advanced Computer Systems and Technologies Group within the Autonomous Systems Division at NASA's Jet Propulsion laboratory.
Elon is brilliant. He’s involved in just about everything. He understands everything. If he asks you a question, you learn very quickly not to go give him a gut reaction.
He wants answers that get down to the fundamental laws of physics. One thing he understands really well is the physics of the rockets. He understands that like nobody else. The stuff I have seen him do in his head is crazy.
He can get in discussions about flying a satellite and whether we can make the right orbit and deliver Dragon at the same time and solve all these equations in real time. It’s amazing to watch the amount of knowledge he has accumulated over the years.
Source (Ashlee Vance's Biography). Kevin has attested to the biography's veracity.

Garrett Reisman
Garrett Reisman (Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Twitter) is an engineer and former NASA astronaut. He joined SpaceX as a senior engineer working on astronaut safety and mission assurance. He was later promoted to director of crew operations. He left this position in May 2018 and is now a Senior Advisor. He also functions as Professor of Astronautical Engineering at University of Southern California.
“I first met Elon for my job interview,” Reisman told the USA TODAY Network's Florida Today. “All he wanted to talk about were technical things. We talked a lot about different main propulsion system design architectures.
“At the end of my interview, I said, ‘Hey, are you sure you want to hire me? You’ve already got an astronaut, so are you sure you need two around here?’ ” Reisman asked. “He looked at me and said, ‘I’m not hiring you because you’re an astronaut. I’m hiring you because you’re a good engineer.’ ”
Managing SpaceX and Tesla, building out new businesses and maintaining relationships with his family makes Musk a busy billionaire.
“He’s obviously skilled at all those different functions, but certainly what really drives him and where his passion really is, is his role as CTO,” or chief technology officer, Reisman said. “Basically his role as chief designer and chief engineer. That’s the part of the job that really plays to his strengths."
What's really remarkable to me is the breadth of his knowledge. I mean I've met a lot of super super smart people but they're usually super super smart on one thing and he's able to have conversations with our top engineers about the software, and the most arcane aspects of that and then he'll turn to our manufacturing engineers and have discussions about some really esoteric welding process for some crazy alloy and he'll just go back and forth and his ability to do that across the different technologies that go into rockets cars and everything else he does.

Josh Boehm
Josh Boehm (LinkedIn, Quora) is the former Head of Software Quality Assurance at SpaceX.
Elon is both the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer of SpaceX, so of course he does more than just ‘some very technical work’. He is integrally involved in the actual design and engineering of the rocket, and at least touches every other aspect of the business (but I would say the former takes up much more of his mental real estate). Elon is an engineer at heart, and that’s where and how he works best.

Statements by External Observers

Eric Berger
Eric Berger (Twitter, LinkedIn) is a space journalist and Ars Technica's senior space editor. He has been interviewing SpaceX employees for an upcoming book on its early days.
True. Elon is the chief engineer in name and reality.

Christian Davenport
Christian Davenport is the Washington Post's defense and space reporter and the author of "Space Barons". The following quotes are excerpts from his book.
He dispatched one of his lieutenants, Liam Sarsfield, then a high-ranking NASA official in the office of the chief engineer, to California to see whether the company was for real or just another failure in waiting.
Most of all, he was impressed with Musk, who was surprisingly fluent in rocket engineering and understood the science of propulsion and engine design. Musk was intense, preternaturally focused, and extremely determined. “This was not the kind of guy who was going to accept failure,” Sarsfield remembered thinking.
Throughout the day, as Musk showed off mockups of the Falcon 1 and Falcon 5, the engine designs, and plans to build a spacecraft capable of flying humans, Musk peppered Sarsfield with questions. He wanted to know what was going on within NASA. And how a company like his would be perceived. He asked tons of highly technical questions, including a detailed discussion about “base heating,” the heat radiating out from the exhaust going back up into the rocket’s engine compartment—a particular problem with rockets that have clusters of engines next to one another, as Musk was planning to build.
Now that he had a friend inside of NASA, Musk kept up with the questions in the weeks after Sarsfield’s visit, firing off “a nonstop torrent of e-mails” and texts, Sarsfield said. Musk jokingly warned that texting was a “core competency.” “He sends texts in a constant flow,” Sarsfield recalled. “I found him to be consumed by whatever was in front of him and anxious to solve problems. This, combined with a tendency to work eighteen hours a day, is a sign of someone driven to succeed.” Musk was particularly interested in the docking adapter of the International Space Station, the port where the spacecraft his team was designing would dock. He wanted to know the dimensions, the locking pin design, even the bolt pattern of the hatch. The more documents Sarsfield sent, the more questions Musk had.
“I really enjoyed the way he would pore over problems anxious to absorb every detail. To my mind, someone that clearly committed deserves all the support and help you can give him.”

Mosdell ( 10th employee ) found Musk a touch awkward and abrupt, but smart. Mosdell had showed up prepared to talk about his experience building launchpads, which, after all, was what SpaceX wanted him to do. But instead, Musk wanted to talk hard-core rocketry. Specifically the Delta IV rocket and its RS-68 engines, which Mosdell had some experience with when at Boeing. Over the course of the interview, they discussed “labyrinth purges” and “pump shaft seal design” and “the science behind using helium as opposed to nitrogen.”

After the meeting on Valentine’s Day adjourned, Musk offered to give the group a tour of his facility. To this group of engineers and entrepreneurs, it was like an invitation to a six-year-old to visit a chocolate factory. As Musk guided them through the factory floor, the group “let loose with detailed, technical questions, and he answered all of them,” Gedmark said. “Not once did he say, ‘I don’t feel comfortable answering that because it’s proprietary.’… It was certainly impressive.”

John Carmack
John Carmack (Twitter, Wikipedia) is a programmer, video game developer and engineer. He's the founder of Armadillo Aerospace and current CTO of Oculus VR.
Elon is definitely an engineer. He is deeply involved with technical decisions at spacex and Tesla. He doesn’t write code or do CAD today, but he is perfectly capable of doing so.

Robert Zubrin
Robert Zubrin (Wikipedia) is an aerospace engineer and author, best known for his advocacy of human exploration of Mars.
When I met Elon it was apparent to me that although he had a scientific mind and he understood scientific principles, he did not know anything about rockets. Nothing. That was in 2001. By 2007 he knew everything about rockets - he really knew everything, in detail. You have to put some serious study in to know as much about rockets as he knows now. This doesn't come just from hanging out with people.

Statements by Elon Himself

Yes. The design of Starship and the Super Heavy rocket booster I changed to a special alloy of stainless steel. I was contemplating this for a while. And this is somewhat counterintuitive. It took me quite a bit of effort to convince the team to go in this direction.
I know more about rockets than anyone at the company by a pretty significant margin, I could redraw substantial portions of the rocket from memory without the blueprints
Tim Dodd: "What people don't understand is that you're the lead engineer. You're literally sitting"
Musk: "Literally. This is a... I've actually had a dinner with some, with a, with a friend and he was like 'well who's the chief engineer of SpaceX?' I was like it's me. He was like 'it's not you, who is it?' Look it's either someone with a very low ego or I don't know."
Interviewer: What do you do when you're at SpaceX and Tesla? What does your time look like there?
Elon: Yes, it's a good question. I think a lot of people think I must spend a lot of time with media or on businessy things*. But actually almost all my time, like 80% of it, is spent on engineering and design.* Engineering and design, so it's developing next-generation product. That's 80% of it.
Interviewer: You probably don't remember this. A very long time ago, many, many, years, you took me on a tour of SpaceX. And the most impressive thing was that you knew every detail of the rocket and every piece of engineering that went into it. And I don't think many people get that about you.
Elon: Yeah. I think a lot of people think I'm kind of a business person or something, which is fine. Business is fine. But really it's like at SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell is Chief Operating Officer. She manages legal, finance, sales, and general business activity. And then my time is almost entirely with the engineering team, working on improving the Falcon 9 and our Dragon spacecraft and developing the Mars Colonial architecture. At Tesla, it's working on the Model 3 and, yeah, so I'm in the design studio, take up a half a day a week, dealing with aesthetics and look-and-feel things. And then most of the rest of the week is just going through engineering of the car itself as well as engineering of the factory. Because the biggest epiphany I've had this year is that what really matters is the machine that builds the machine, the factory. And that is at least two orders of magnitude harder than the vehicle itself.
submitted by DragonGod2718 to u/DragonGod2718 [link] [comments]

Do not seem to have enough time in the day even though I am mostly doing nothing

Since losing my job at the start of the year, I developed the bad habit of going to bed late (4 AM or 5 AM in the morning) and waking up at around 1 PM. After I wake up, I have my breakfast, check my emails, perform my 4 daily prayers (which take about 10-15 minutes) which are spread across the day, go over job postings and apply for jobs and before I know it, my day and energy are both finished. Sometimes I become distracted by random Youtube videos, Quora posts or by lengthy discussions with a family member (or is often the case, with myself!).
I am a software developer and I struggle to write code for programming questions asked during interviews. A lot of my time should be devoted towards solving various interview-style coding questions but given how my typical day goes, I end up working on 1 question during the day or none at all. I have fallen behind and despite the time that has passed since I lost my job, I am not interview ready.
Do you have any advice for me? What do you think is the root cause of my issues?
submitted by sufumbufudy to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

CMV: There's no such thing as a person with a "photographic memory"

I posted about this in a different subreddit, but decided it would be more appropriately discussed here.
I've heard that there are people with "photographic memories" who can apparently easily recall any even distant memories with insane precision. Such people can, effortlessly without the need of memory training, mnemonic devices, or other memorization tricks, remember even inane and minute details of most interactions and can recite whole books that they've read verbatim after having only read them once. The term "photographic memory" suggests that, when these people recall things, it's similar to looking at a photograph or replaying a video.
If you just Google "what's it like to have a photographic memory", you'll find no shortage of people who claim to have this ability. Two posts that came up for me were this Quora post where someone claims to have memorized a 10,000 line poem after (I assume) one reading, and, apparently, asking them to recall exact details of the poem was like "asking someone to list the numbers from 1-50 and then the letters of the alphabet in alphabetical order". I also found this old Reddit AMA from someone claiming "I remember every word of every page I have ever read in English". These are just random examples I happened to come across from one Google search, but it isn't hard to find literally hundreds of examples of people claiming to have this ability.
In psychology, the concept of an eidetic memory is a controversial one, and it's disputed whether anyone with an eidetic memory actually exists. Indeed, the evidence that there are people with eidetic memories seems dubious at best, but even assuming they do exist, the most extreme cases studied don't come anywhere near the level of someone remembering every book they have ever read verbatim.
Also, this concept comes up in fiction a lot. In Good Will Hunting, for example, Matt Damon's character can recall exact quotes from dense history books down to the page number. It's pretty common, in fiction, for "genius" characters to have unbelievably good memories.
There are memory competitions where competitors compete to see who can memorize the most binary digits, playing cards, random words etc. in a given amount of time. So, I think the question is obvious. Why don't people with photographic memories ever show up to memory competitions and just completely dominate the whole event? If recalling memories for them is as easy as looking at a photograph, then they should be able to memorize binary digits (or whatever) basically as fast as you could show it to them, trivializing the whole event. They would be able to perform at or above the level of the best memorizers in the world with little or no training or practice.
Yet, it seems like this doesn't ever happen. In interviews, memory champions typically describe using all kinds of memorization tricks and training very hard from a young age to get to that level of skill, which suggests that they don't have photographic memories.
When I've mentioned this argument before, people have responded by saying that memory competitions basically blacklist people with photographic memories, but I've found no evidence of this occurring, at least not at a "professional" level. There have, I believe, been specific cases of people being banned from local competitions, but instances of this are usually because of other reasons, such as rule violations, or a desire not to have top-level competitors competing against beginners. I've heard no example of someone being banned from, say, the World Memory Championships because they were "too good" at memorizing stuff.
I think that people with "photographic memories" (in the sense that I've described in the first paragraph) don't actually exist, and claims from people online are heavily exaggerated or made up. I think it's similar to how some people claim to have telepathy or precognition, but are never able to reproduce these abilities consistently under scientific conditions.
More precisely, I think people who claim (or are claimed by others) to have photographic memories generally fall into one of three categories:
1.They are vastly exaggerating some real-life memory quirks. These people may have naturally quite good memory (not superhuman, not record-breaking, but good), an aptitude for memorizing random facts, or they may be particularly observant of small details in their environment that others typically overlook. Then, when someone makes note of their memory and suggests that they may have a photographic memory, they simply go along with it and exaggerate the full extent of their abilities when asked. In some more extreme cases, I think people can actually delude themselves into believing that they really do have a photographic memory by procedurally creating false memories of details they don't actually recall. Then, as is typical of any delusion, they will reject all conflicting evidence and find excuses to explain whenever their false memories don't match up with reality, and instances where the false memories are actually correct they will see as confirmation of their ability.
Relevant to this, I'd speculate that the person I mentioned in the Quora post I linked earlier falls into this category (obviously I don't know this person, this is just idle speculation, but I think it fits). The user says "I have a photographic memory, but I don't always have film in the camera, to paraphrase Steven Wright. Some days I don't use the flash or forget to take the lens cap off" and I think this is the excuse this person uses whenever their false memories don't match up with reality. If something they thought they remembered turned out to be false, they could simply say "Oh, I must have 'forgotten to use the flash' that day."
In fact, most accounts I've read from people claiming to have a photographic memory include this caveat that they occasionally have off-days where their memory doesn't quite work right. It's possible that this actually is just how photographic memories work, but I think it seems more likely that they are using this as an excuse for false memories and to preempt criticism.
  1. They are a con-artist or magician pretending to have a "photographic memory" as an act for entertainment, attention, and/or for money. These people may use actual memory training techniques that are used by competitors for memory competitions, such as mnemonics, the method of loci, mnemonic linking, and chunking). In addition, people in this category will use misdirection and other tricks to create the appearance of doing memory feats that would be impossible for even the worlds best competitive memory champions. Derren Brown has done some tricks like this (though he doesn't claim to have a photographic memory); here is a video of Darren making it look like he's been able to memorize random books in under 20 minutes.
  2. They are part of the extremely small minority of people with savant syndrome, so their incredible memory is usually accompanied by severe mental disabilities. For people in this category, their memorization abilities are also virtually always quite limited in scope. Stephen Wiltshire, for example, can memorize and draw landscapes quickly and with incredible detail, but there's no evidence of an exceptional memory in other areas. Stephen Wiltshire hasn't displayed the ability to memorize books verbatim, or, for that matter, strings of random digits.
I think the closest thing to a well documented example of a person with a "photographic memory" would be Kim Peek who apparently could recall the contents of around 10,000 to 12,000 books. However, Kim could not recite the contents of those books verbatim, he could "merely" remember details of the plot. As far as I know, Kim never competed in any memory competitions, so there's really no way to know how good he would have been at them. I found this thread where someone claims that Kim was struggling to exceed 7 digits in a digit span test, though I can't vouch for the veracity of this random person's claim. I'd speculate that, similar to Stephen Wiltshire, his incredible memorization abilities were very limited in scope and only applied to certain domains of information.
Even if Kim Peek had something that could be called a "photographic memory" (which evidence suggests is not the case), then he must be basically the only well-documented case in history. In this case, I'd be willing to weaken my claim to saying that "photographic memories" are astronomically rare (like in the ballpark of one in ten billion people) and pretty much everyone, except for Kim, falls into one of the three categories that I mentioned.
Edit: I would really appreciate if the people downvoting this post could let me know why. I spent a lot of time typing this, and having a bunch of people downvote it without responding kinda stings, I must admit.
Edit 2: In response to u/Arctus9819 I clarified a little bit about what I mean by "photographic memory":
I avoided precisely defining "photographic memory" because I think it's a vague concept. You know it when you see it, and I think the best examples of it come from fiction or these "ludicrous" claims made by people online and by celebrities (which I think are also fiction).
It's similar to how there are "strong" people, but there are no people with "super strength". There are people with good memories, but there are no people with these kinds of memory superpowers.
submitted by DominatingSubgraph to changemyview [link] [comments]

Ways To Get Your First 10 Customers

Hey everyone! I’m back with another post on how to turn an idea into a business. If you haven’t yet, check out this post for more context (seriously, it’ll help set you up for success here).
Let's assume there’s sufficient evidence that says there’s a demand/a problem and you want to see if you can make some money going after it - great! You’ll likely ask the next question “How do I get my first 10 customers?” To answer that, you’ll need two things - 1.) an offer and 2.) potential customers.
Wait… what about the product? Hold off on that for now. Typically, I recommend not to build anything, or at least not software. I’ll touch more on that below.
Let’s start with the offer. An offer is a promise you sell to customers about solving their problems. In most cases, you don’t even need to build a product to sell your promise. To be clear, I’m not saying that you should lie - if you won’t be able to solve the problem, then don’t promise that you can. Our goal right now isn’t to figure out if you can build it, it’s to figure out if you can sell it.
Here’s why I love offers more than products - it helps de-risk two of the three fundamental challenges all startups face 1.) market risk and 2.) channel risk (product risk is the third if you were wondering). Market risk is asking the question “does anyone actually want/need this?” and channel risk askes the question “can you acquire customers (ideally profitably) through marketing channels?”. In my experience, I’ve seen significantly more startups fail due to market and channel issues than product issues.
Now that you’ve got your offer, let’s talk to potential customers. It is crucial that you show your offer to the right people, otherwise, the data you get back won’t be accurate. There’s a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this.
Most people will ask themselves “who do I think has this problem” and then relentlessly hunt those people down - this is a fine start, but we can do better. What I recommend is to ask yourself this, “who has the problem, knows they have the problem, and is currently DOING something about it?”
The latter part of that is key. You want to find people who are already trying to solve this problem on their own. Why? Because these people have already decided that it's a problem worth their time/money to solve.
With that context in mind here are some tactics to get your first 10 customers:
This is one post in a series of posts that will come around how to de-risk companies faster. I’ll hang out in the comments for discussion.
PS I just started using Twitter like all the cool kids, follow me if you want to see more content like this.
Edit - Adding Content Marketing: Creating optimized content for SEO or Quora can be a great way to catch buyers through search intent.
submitted by papapatty11 to sweatystartup [link] [comments]

[25/M] Directionless in an IT career, how do I grow from this witch?

I'm going to cry my heart out, so you've been warned.
Long story, short.

Long story, long.
Chapter 0: The beginning.
I was great at computers from when I was young. I was no Chintu developing applications and having investors wrestle to reach me, but I did some basic static HTML pages, could figure my way out in fixing computer and internet issues, etc. This got me the prestigious stature of "geek" and "gizmo" in a household where being able to surf the internet was akin to cavemen discovering fire. Then on, I decided I wanted to study computer science despite being from a school (rather, board) that did not even have Computers as a subject in 8th, 9th and 10th.
Come 11th, I wanted to take up Computer Science and take it up, I did. The first chapter (and I kid you not) was about introduction to computer science, where we had to rut what a peripheral device is and what a non-peripheral device is. The class was basically a teacher highlighting contents of the textbook that would fetch us marks. I nope'd out. Being the cream student, I had an option to switch to Electronics because the demand for electronics was so low that they had only 1 section with 63 people and were really looking to make that an even number. After a few trial classes, I realized electronics is fun too and I ditched my long term love to study electronics.
I guess somewhere, there was always a zeal to want to learn computers but I did not know the sources. I knew I could "learn C/C++" but what would I do with that was something I never knew. I consulted a couple of teachers in my college regarding this but what they'd suggest is for me to learn it to get good marks, improve my score and get into a good engineering college. 🙄 Their assumption was that the real CS happens in engineering college and 12th does not matter.
I stuck to electronics, scored fairly decent marks and in engineering, I opted for CS.
Chapter 1: University. (Can skip)
For some reason, I thought of University as a magic box where a dumb person goes in and comes out as a "coder, rider, provider". But alas, life is no TikTok and I realized it on day 1 when in my Science and Humanities department, I was the only one who did not know a line of code. There were kids who'd be inducted into Mechanical, Electronics, Civil departments and 99% of them knew how to write some code and I was caught off guard, by this. I thought I could wing it and yet again focused only on scoring marks. This is what I was thought whole my life and it did not help that the Director drew a correlation that every kid who scores a 8+ GPA lands up a job that pays them at least 12lpa.
Focusing on marks, studying what "looked" important and with a goal to maintain a 8+ GPA, I strictly adhered to rules that would help me achieve my goals. 3 years of this, you could ask me to write an API and I would first see if this was "in syllabus" or not. In the 3rd year, we had something called Practice School. This was a term that we borrowed from some IIT / NIT, but proudly wore it on our chests like it was some discovery we secretively made. Practice School is a fancy term for unpaid internship where you could either work for a company, or work under a professor to do some research work for some minor credit. For some weird reason, I was asked about what activity I did apart from academics in every interview that I attended. Did they really expect me to do anything apart from study and score marks? 😲 \s. So, obviously, I got a great internship in a very good company called the company of friends, located in the Boys hostel.
With an industry internship that went flying while jamming to "Hum Toh Udd Gaye, by Ritviz", I was left with no choice but to get a research internship. Thanks to my face, communication and luck I could convince one professor that it was me who discovered gravity and that I have some secretive potentially mind-blowing scientific research going on that would shock Stephen Hawking. I was a Research Assistant to a professor with initials MDD (which co-incidentally also stands for Major Depressive Disorder).
Chapter 2: Research Assistant. (Can skip)
Being a research assistant, my job was to build apps to capture data, propagate these apps to a set of users and generate datasets. Not bragging, but I could learn the technology he wanted and build apps very quickly. It was not production quality as this was the first "project" I was working on, but it was there. It could house about 100-150 users who actively used the application to log data. Spending more time towards this, I neglected studies a bit. My grades were still the same thanks to the easing up of the portions and subjects. I absolutely loved what I was doing and the fact that I could see a weekly impact when I release a new version of the app was something that gave me immense thrill. The professor, too, was extremely impressed by my efforts and gave me a couple of interns to "manage" in order to churn more apps. This was fun, we experimented with multiple frameworks, presented our "research" work to a couple of potential "investors" and this experience improved my communication, presentation, documentation, coding and every other skill I could think off. In one of the monthly "appraisal" scheduled by the professor, I asked him how "industry-ready" I was and he gave me compliments like I was the one of the many forms of Lord Vishnu. I was pretty satisfied and I could nail interviews (is what I thought).
Chapter 3: Placement Season (Please dont skip)
As 3rd year came to an end, placement season began. If placement season was a mood, it would be the mood associated with "winter is coming". First company that opened up doors to an interview was Uber. With a pay package that equates to my family's 2-year pay, they came in with a bang. The first round was an online round. As I read the questions, i could physically feel my hair jump and fall off and the one's remaining grey themselves in order to fool my body that we're old now and death was only a matter of time right now. I could solve 1 question, but most people could solve 2. I discussed this online and found out that Uber is notoriously asking difficult questions and that makes sense because they're paying a huge salary.
I was not aiming for such a huge salary, so I was fine. After this came Intuit, Microsoft, GS, AWS, HP, Cisco, Myntra, Sabre, Shell, Infosys and I could not clear even one of the first coding rounds. Sometimes I got 2 questions right, sometimes I got 1. But all the times I never got the interview.
I was genuinely depressed and realized that it is time to up my DSA game. This game isn't new to me. I was "preparing for placements" by referring to sources like HackerRank (which was the go-to choice of more than 90% of the recruiters). I reduced the time spent on this because I was convinced that my practical experiences will be valued. I restarted my practice and one fine day a small company came to campus. They asked the most simplest coding questions that just tested if you can translate the logic to code. I could and I got in, after 38 rejections and 1 interview. Pretty much a TWICH-isq company.
Chapter 4: The work (Please dont, thx)
The company that I got into typically trains all the employees for 6-8 months before giving them work. But thanks to my practical experience, I was one of the 10% people who was offered a role to join immediately out of college for a 2.5x increase in pay. I thought my luck is changing and apna time aayega. I joined the company. Next month, I will have completed 3 years in this company. The most "development" work I have done is add 3-4 minor "adapters" to the existing product and expand support. Apart from that, I aided migration to Jira, Github, setup CI / CD pipelines, got the Wiki culture, etc. It's a very old fashioned place but what I got going for me is that my team is not rigid in their mindset. In the 3 years that I am here, my salary has increased by a grand total of 7% (not annually, overall).
The ACTUAL question.
I am restarting my algo and DS journey. But is there anything else I can do to get a job? Should I look at changing fields? If yes, how. I love management, CX, etc. I do love coding too, but I am not the competitive coder and that makes me believe that I am the impostor Among Us. I am not looking to go abroad as I am the sole breadwinner in my family and I can barely sustain with my present salary.
Thanks for reading if you did.
Sorry for making this Quora-isque, lordships of Reddit.
submitted by YentaSaawa to india [link] [comments]

What It's Like To Interview For A Coding Job

part 2 is continuing...... if you find it useful please do up vote.

7) How to structure your coding interview timeline
Avoiding exploding offers and burnout while maximizing negotiating leverage and keeping your options open
The exploding offer dilemma
Here’s the situation you wanna avoid: You’ve just started interviewing with a company you're really excited about. Another company you've been talking to for a while sends you an “exploding offer”—an offer that expires in a week or even 24 hours. You have to respond to the exploding offer before your final round of interviews at the first company.
You don’t wanna have to decide between a real offer and a potential offer. Either decision has a big downside:

It's also bad for negotiation. The best way to get negotiating leverage with one company is to have an offer from another company. If your offers aren't open at the same time, you lose that leverage.
Work backwards from a signing date
So you want to do everything you can to ensure your offers come in at the same time. But how do you do that? The key is to work backwards:
Pick a "signing date" and stick to it. This is the date that you plan to make a final decision and sign an offer. This includes some allowed time for negotiating once you have all your offers in hand (more on that later).
Share your chosen signing date with every company as soon as you start talking to them. You may even want to ask them to confirm that they'll be able to work with your timeline. This way a company is much less likely to give you an offer that explodes before that date—they already know your timeline, so if they can't work with it they should tell you up front.
What if a company does give you an offer that explodes before your signing date, even though you told them about it early on? Don't panic. Politely remind them that you've been clear about your timeline from the beginning. Explain that you'd like to make your final decision on the date you've already shared with them.
If they still won't budge, you might be better off passing on that company—if they're comfortable squeezing you this early on in your relationship, that's a bad sign for how they'd treat you as an employee.
Now, some companies have policies about not having open offers for more than X days. So what if you're going through the interview process with one of those companies and it looks like you're moving too fast and the offer would come in too early and explode before the signing date you chose?
No problem. Most companies are happy to "pause" or slow down your interview process so the offer comes in later. This way both parties can get what they want: the company can follow their usual "offers explode after X days" policy, and you can have the offer still open on your pre-planned signing date.
How far out should my signing date be?
It depends. At a high level, you should allow as much time as you can afford to. Most people underestimate how long their job search is going to take. And when you end up in a time crunch at the end, it means less time at the negotiation stage. So allowing an extra week for your job search could literally mean earning tens of thousands of dollars more in your final salary.
If you have a current job or are a full-time student, try to allow more time by starting the process earlier.
Of course, some of us will be in situations where we really need to start our new job as soon as possible. That's fine. Do what works for you.
Keep in mind that you’re shooting for having enough time to practice and get through the whole interview process with multiple companies if you can. Think through how much time you can devote to each of these steps:

One more consideration: if you have the means, consider leaving yourself some time for a vacation before starting your new job. Job hunting is stressful. And that window of time between signing a new offer and starting a new job can be a rare window of low stress and low responsibility in your life.
Many companies are happy to accommodate this by setting your start date a few weeks after your signing date—just ask. Many offers include a signing bonus, which could help offset the cost of this extra time without a salary. But again, this'll depend on your means—not everyone can afford to take this extra time off.
Cast a wide net
Interview with multiple companies. Exactly how many companies depends on your situation, but the point is to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. You want multiple offers by the end, so you can negotiate the best offer possible.
A good rule of thumb: send out applications to more places than you’re currently planning. If you end up getting too many interviews…well that’s a good problem to have! You can always "pause" or simply cancel the interview process with some companies.
Schedule your favorite companies last. Get interview practice with the places you aren’t as excited about. You’ll be in your prime by the time you interview with your top choices, so long as you don’t burn out.
Jot down your impressions after each interview. You’ll be surprised how much different companies can start to melt together after a couple weeks of interviewing.
Avoid burnout
If you’re casting a wide net and allowing several weeks for your job search, you need to be careful about burnout. The interview process is a marathon, not a sprint.
Space out your onsites. Onsites are draining. Try to keep at least a two day buffer between them—one day to recover after your last onsite, and one day to get ready for the next.
Don’t travel too much. You can quickly burn yourself out bopping across the country. When you have to travel for an interview, try to wait a few days before you travel again.
Batch interviews that are in cities you have to fly to. Try to avoid flying to the same city multiple times—though sometimes traveling to the same place twice is better than trying to cram three or more onsites into a short span of time.
8) Telling Better Stories For Behavioral Programming Interview Questions
Show, don’t tell”
You’ve probably heard this advice before. Maybe it was your 10th grade English teacher. Maybe it was career services in college. “Remember: show, don’t tell.”
And it’s good advice. When it comes to answering behavioral questions (like “Tell me about yourself”) in coding interviews, the difference between a good answer and a great answer comes down to showing rather than telling.
The problem is, people who give you the advice of “Show, don’t tell”… are themselves failing to follow it. They’re telling you to show, but they should be showing you how to show. That’s the hardest part!
So here are three specific tips for showing more and telling less.
1. Sprinkle in specific details
Imagine two responses to the stock interview question “Tell me about yourself.”
I started programming about two years ago with some personal projects. I eventually got a job at a small tech company in my home town, and I’ve been working there about a year and a half. I like my job, but I’m looking for a new challenge, which I think your company could provide.
I got started programming because I wanted to build a social network for cats. That didn’t take off, but the prototype helped me get a job at a small tech company in my home town.
Last month, I read an awesome article on Hacker News about the social network your company is building. The scaling challenges you face seem like they’ll help me grow faster and stronger than my current role will.
The second response says a lot more about the candidate.
Why? Because of the specific details. An interviewer won’t remember the tenth person to say “I’m looking for a new challenge.” They will remember the person who tried to build a social network for cats and read about their company on Hacker News.
So don’t skimp on the details. Look out for opportunities to use specifics, especially if they’re at all quirky, funny, surprising, or otherwise memorable.
2. Tell a story from your life
Take another common question: “Why do you want to work here?”
People tend to just cross-reference their values with those of the company or team they’re interviewing with:
I’m really interested in technical blogging and open source. So I like that your company has some open-source work and contributes back to the community.
That’s a fine response. But to really wow your interviewer, try adding a specific story around those values:
A couple years ago, when I was still new to programming, I was working on this tricky bug. I found a post on a company blog where an engineer explained how her team solved the issue. She included a code snippet she’d open-sourced. I appreciated that she took the time to write about her team’s experience and share their solution. It helped me!
That’s how I first started getting into open source. I really wanna work with more engineers like that—who write about their work and try to help others in the community. So I was excited to see all the stuff your team shares on your blog and on the company’s Github profile.
The second response just sounds more genuine. It shows a personal connection to open source and technical blogging, instead of just telling it.
Anyone can look up a company’s core values and repeat them during an interview. It’s more meaningful to tell a story from your life that shows how those values benefited you or taught you something.
3. Use someone else’s voice
This one’s a neat trick. Consider one more standard behavioral question: “What’s your biggest strength?”
You might tell the interviewer:
I work well with others. Even under tough circumstances, I make sure my coworkers feel supported.
But a lightly detailed story is better suited to show this strength:
I have a coworker, Ana, who’s been an engineer for almost a decade. We worked together on this really tough, messy project.
Towards the end, she told me, “For such a hellish project, you really made things feel sane.” I think this is my biggest strength—I work well with others, even under tough circumstances.
When you respond with a story, you can refer to what other people have said about your best qualities. In this case, a ten-year tech veteran said you made a project feel less awful. That kind of praise is a lot more credible when it comes from someone else.
Practice, practice, practice
Remember these specific tricks for showing rather than telling:

  1. Use specific, memorable details. “Social network for cats” instead of “a personal project.”
  2. Tell a story from your life. “I was trying to solve a tricky bug…” instead of “I value open source contributions.”
  3. Use someone else’s voice. “’You really made things feel sane‘” instead of "I work well with others."
Try these tactics out on the questions below. Keep in mind, sometimes it’s easiest to start with a “tell” response, then spruce it up to “show.”

9) Common Issues In Coding Interviews
And how to fix them
The biggest, scariest issues
I keep getting lost or stuck in the middle of technical questions.
Getting stuck during a coding interview can be really demoralizing. That is, until you get good at getting un-stuck. That's right, you can get good at getting un-stuck! You just have to learn the steps.
But surprisingly, sometimes you're supposed to get stuck, and sometimes you're supposed to lose your train of thought. To understand why, read up on how the coding interview is like a maze
Of course, with more practice you're less likely to get stuck or lose your train of thought. Check out our practice coding interview questions.
Finally, make sure you're doing everything you can to get yourself into the best possible headspace in the 24 hours before your big interview.
It takes me forever to solve a single problem.
The trick to finishing problems faster is using a specific process and sticking to it:

  1. Brainstorm and design your algorithm by manipulating sample inputs by hand on the whiteboard. Don't start writing code until you know exactly how your algorithm will work.
  2. Code it up as quickly as possible. Don't get caught up in details like, "should this be a '<' or a '<='?"—just make a check mark in the margin and move on. Don't start debugging it until it's all written out.
  3. Finally, walk through your code with a sample input and fix any bugs you find.
The important lesson here is to never skip ahead. Only move on to the next step after finishing the last step. This keeps your thinking more organized, makes it easier for your interviewer to follow what you're doing, helps you avoid mistakes, and ultimately makes you move faster.
This process is explained in more detail in our general coding interview tips article.
I'm practicing, but I'm not getting better.
I don't have a CS degree. I don't understand big O notation and algorithms.
A lot of people struggle with data structures, algorithms, and big O notation. Especially people who don't have a computer science degree.
It's easy to think this stuff is just objectively hard to understand, since it's associated with the "academic" side of software. That makes it seem more technical and difficult.
The truth is this stuff just feels technical and difficult because people are bad at teaching it.
Yes, thinking in algorithms and data structures is a specific skill that's different from general coding. It's a separate thing you have to learn.
But it's very learnable. Check out our Intuitive Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms.
I . . . feel like I'm just not good at this stuff :/
This feeling is very common. The interview process makes us doubt ourselves. It eats away at our confidence. This is called impostor syndrome, and it can be fixed.
The rest of the job search process
How do I get interviews?
But I don't know the latest hip new framework or language.
How long should I allow for my job search?
I got an offer but it expires soon! What do I do?
What about behavioral questions? How do I prepare for those?
I know I should practice, but I have trouble finding the time.
For most of us, saying, "I should spend a few hours practicing for coding interviews each week" just doesn't work. Whenever there's a spare hour, it's suddenly really important to send some emails. Or do laundry. Or do some other "productive" bit of procrastination.
The fix is to pick a specific, regular time for your interview practice. Block it off and stick to it.
An hour a day, or a few hours over the weekend. Just pick something you can actually commit to.
Open up your calendar and do it right now.
Couple more tips:

How should I practice?
Not all programming interview practice is made equal. There are a lot of things you can do to make sure you're getting the maximum possible benefit out of your practice sessions. Check out our guide to getting the most out of your coding interview practice.
How long should I spend on each each practice problem?
In general, a coding interview is about 45 minutes of problem solving. Sometimes you'll get a few short technical questions, but usually you'll only dig into one complex algorithmic coding interview question (like the ones in our course).
So, 45 minutes per question is a good rule of thumb. But don’t worry too much if you’re taking longer to finish our practice questions—you’ll get faster with time. Stressing about the clock usually does more harm than good.
Should I do mock interviews? How?
Yes! There are a few great websites that offer mock interviews as a service. Check out:

Or you can grab a buddy and organize some mock interviews yourselves.
For phone interview practice, do it over the computer. Use a shared coding environment tool like CoderPad, and actually talk to each-other over the phone or through Skype (great opportunity to test that your laptop's microphone works!).
For onsite interview practice, whip out some paper and pencils or, better yet, actually get on your feet and write stuff on a whiteboard.
You can even run a mock interview with a nontechnical friend! Try loading up one of our practice questions on a laptop or tablet—the progressive hints and gotchas allow your friend to use the page like a script.
And of course, real interviews are very effective as "mock interviews" :) Reach out to some more companies and try to get some extra interviews.
Onsite Interviews
What should I do the day before an onsite interview?
There's a lot to say about this, and getting yourself into the best possible head space the day before a big onsite can make a huge difference!
Read our full guide on what to do in the 24 hours before a big onsite interview.
And check out our guided meditation for visualizing yourself breezing through a day of onsite interviews.
My whiteboard always gets really messy :/
This is pretty common, and it can actually be a big problem. A messy whiteboard makes it more likely that you or your interviewer will get totally lost trying to understand your code, especially when you come back to it a few minutes later to walk through it with a sample input. Here are some tips:
Start in the very top-left corner of the board. Most people's instinct is to leave some margin on the left and top of the board, so their code comes out "centered." But this just ends up leaving you with less space. And you want all the space you can get.
Leave blank space between each line as you write your code. This makes it much easier to add an extra line later.
Take an extra second to carefully name each variable. Don't rush this part! It might seem like this'll slow you down, but using more descriptive variable names actually ends up saving you time in the end. Few reasons why:

  1. You're less likely to confuse your interviewer, which means you don't have to waste time explaining things.
  2. You're less likely to confuse yourself, especially later on when you go back and walk through your code with a sample input to see if it works.
What do I do if I get rejected?
Rejection happens. It’s an ugly reality of the interview process. If you can afford to, take a brief break from your studying so you can come back fresh.
The good news: You’re better at interviewing now. Sure, running practice questions is good preparation, but actually getting out there and failing some interviews is great preparation. Nothing approximates real interviews quite like other real interviews!
Reach out to the company and ask for feedback. Some companies can’t do this for legal reasons, but it never hurts to ask.
Keep in mind that rejection can happen for any number of reasons. There’s definitely an element of randomness. A lot of Google engineers feel there’s only a 50-50 chance they’d get an offer if they went through the interview process again.
Sometimes company priorities change, and they decide they need to slow down hiring. Sometimes you just get unlucky and get the interviewers who like to give low ratings.
There’s lots you can do to prepare, but there’s also lots that you can’t control. The best you can do is keep showing up and slowly getting better!
EDITS are always welcome!
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What visions they have for our nation, where does he/she wants to see his/her constituency in terms of developement in 4.5 years once he /she is elected If given a chance to amend constitution without interference what would he/she change If given... 9 essential questions to ask your interviewer . So, you’ve given thoughtful, well-considered answers to your interviewers’ questions – well done. That’s the hard part complete but the interview isn’t over yet. As things start to wind up and you’re asked if you have any questions, don’t say no! This is your time to shine. Asking the right kinds of questions in an interview not The best one I’ve heard of (I’ve also used it myself) is this: Let’s fast forward a year from today. You’ve made this hire—maybe it’s me and maybe it’s not—and a whole year has gone by. What does a homerun hire look like for you? In other words, w... Good interview questions to ask the interviewer. How long have you been with the company? What do you enjoy most about working here? What makes you good at your job? Bonus interview questions to ask . How long is the average tenure of an employee? Where would the company like to be in five years? Am I going to be a mentor or will I be mentored? This is one of the more unique questions to ask the interviewer, and it will reveal what pieces of your background caught their attention. (Then, you can make sure to discuss those pieces when answering questions in the interview). 5. What are the most important things you’re prioritizing or looking for in the candidate you hire? This is another excellent, unique question to ask the What questions should a job candidate ask the interviewer? originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. As your job interview comes to a close, one of the final questions you may be asked is, "What can I answer for you?" Your interviewer will expect for you to have some inquiries. Not asking any questions could make you seem unprepared or disinterested, so take the time to have some questions of your own ready to ask the hiring manager. Q. What are the best questions to ask a job interviewer? A. In recruiting, job seekers always used to ask me how quickly I was looking to fill a job. The answer was easy: now! The job wouldn’t be posted if the company wasn’t looking to fill it as soon as possible. Another common one: When can I expect to hear back, and what are the next steps? This is a good question, because you want to find out if you’re in the beginning of the interviewing cycle or towards the end of it, and when Don't ask questions just for the sake of asking questions. It's annoying to me as an interviewer when someone asks a question I've already answered, or is blatantly not relevant, just because they had it prepared. As Benjamin Holder suggests, ask questions that show you are genuinely interested in learning more about the job, the role, and the company. Use the opportunity to end on a high note.

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