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Pakistan: When Agents Ruled – a glimpse of Spying, Espionage and Security Breaches

The London Post

19-24 minutes
By Dr. Shahid Qureshi: –
A young journalist in London asked me "Do you know someone who is working against the national interests of Pakistan?". That was an interesting question from a typical young Pakistani who is loyal and patriotic to the country. I was nearly heartbroken to tell him that there is more and almost everyone who matters in Pakistan is in some way is selling Pakistan cheap to the enemies. Normally people think about spies and agents like James Bond 007 who goes on a mission and meet beautiful girls and come back successful. Well, that is one part of spying and espionage. The way Pakistani agents serving their foreign masters is a bit subtle and sinister. I have discussed some in the upcoming book and exposed them in the articles. People trust journalists more than the spies and agency operatives as they don’t have any loyalties to the sources but journalists do. I have seen many journalists threatened with imprisonment by the state but they did not disclose their sources following the journalistic code of ethics. Most civilized countries have a declassifying system for the official government records and obviously, those who have signed the official secrets act of the country don’t write books or come on TV channels to discuss their missions and details? Only in Pakistan you can do and get away with it. For example, Lt. General Asad Durrani was assigned a task by the President of Pakistan Ghulam Ishaq Khan to counter Benazir Bhutto who was compromised on Pakistan’s nuclear program and Indian affairs. The president ordered to dislodge her without creating too many currents keeping in view Pakistan’s ground realities. It was his oath to keep that secret as ISI chief but he behaved worst than an informant. He broke his oath, violated the official secrets act of Pakistan by giving an affidavit to FIA director Rehman Malik. The only attraction for him probably was to get posting as an ambassador. This is known as the Asghar Khan case currently hanging in the supreme court of Pakistan and no government is sincere enough to put an end to it by submitting the response and call the parties involved.
A few years ago, I was sitting with General Mike Jackson former British Army Chief, I asked him ‘why did you not take control of Sarajevo airport in Bosnia and Herzegovina’? He replied to me very quietly ‘read my book’. Apparently, the American General asked him to take control of the airport and he reportedly refused by saying: ‘I don’t want to start 3rd World War. Now it is the duty of the security establishment to provide training to its officials as to how to live a retired life without compromising national security and if at all they need to write a book, the transcript must be cleared by the premier agency. Let’s imagine a Pakistani agent is tasked to delay the installation of an electricity project to destroy the whole industry and infrastructure of the country. I wrote in 2006, that this load-shedding of electricity in Pakistan is linked with the security of the country. People acknowledge the risk assessment but they could not do anything as the people who were doing all this were sitting in high positions. The dramatic escape of the longest-serving Indus Water Commissioner to Canada is one example. He obtained Canadian citizenship and nobody from the security establishment question his activities. He delayed the Pakistani water projects and facilitated Indian dams on Pakistani rivers. Then we see the politicians from PPP, MQM, and ANP receiving instructions and findings from Indian agency RAW to make Kalabagh Dam project controversial and let the Sindhis drown in floods as well as cause damage in billions to land, crops, properties, livestock, and national infrastructures from rail to road links every year. This project was actually approved by British engineers during the 1930s. so if it was ok then how come it becomes problematic in the 1980s? Well appointing a corrupt and incompetent is also a form of espionage against the country for example during Zardari Rule 2008 -2013 he appointed the most corrupt and incompetent on the highest positions. He introduced another damaging policy of ‘system bypass’. With this policy, he bypassed all the rules, and his men in the presidency were calling direct to the land department junior officials and police station inspectors, or even below to do the illegal tasks. The flourishing of the land mafia was at its peak in the whole of Pakistan, especially in Sindh province. His party members and cronies were directly involved in ‘target killings of security officials’ attacks on government infrastructures. Over 25000 people were killed, billions of rupees’ revenue were lost due to strikes and terrorism in Sindh while PPP and MQM-A were ruling the province, which we know now was happening on the behest of RAW the Indian agency. Both military and civilian establishment is fully responsible, with the support of politicians like British criminal terrorist Altaf Hussain, Asif Zardari, and his team and now Nawaz Sharif and his agents, as well as military dictator like Pervez Musharraf and his team as tons of material and reports were filed to all the above but they chose not to act and remain complicit. A security official said to me a few years ago: ‘sir we can stop these bombings in 24 hours only if we are allowed to respond in kind to the supporters and abettors of these bombings. Musharraf was a megalomaniac and had a delusion of grandeur about himself. I told him that NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) is a black dot in the history of Pakistan. He admitted to me that ‘it was a mistake’ and said cases were not moving and going anywhere’. I told him that just because something is not working does not mean you need to make it worse? He agreed with the analogy. Let me give you another example of how foreign agents work or operate at high places. Former ISI officer Major Amir disclosed in a GEO TV program that: ‘when he was appointed Director-General Immigration, the Indian embassy in Islamabad was not very happy and asking about me’. He stated: I found out that Indians who were traveling to Dubai could stopover in Karachi and also sneaking out. I immediately stopped this practice it was like giving open access to RAW not only to launch its agents but also brief and debrief them’. The person who opposed this ban was no other but Sharyar Khan foreign secretary of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif appointed about 80 years old Sharyar Khan as head of Pakistani cricket and Najam Sethi another pro India mole to keep him company. Guess what Pakistan is losing all its important matches to India because all the gambling bookies are being run from Mumbai. Earlier Pakistan had a foreign secretary Riaz Mohammad Khan whose wife was active service head of training in the US State Department. A Central Asian diplomat from Kazakhstan told me that: ‘if I had to marry a foreign national I would have to resign from the diplomatic service’. This joke did not stop here earlier Pakistani Defence Secretary Skindar Mirza had a full-blown affair with Nahid Afghamy wife of Col Afghamy Iranian Military Attaché to Pakistan. He later got married to her and Nahid Afghamy becomes Pakistan’s first lady of President Skindar Mirza and Army Chief Ayub Khan regularly saluted her. That was the worst security breach but that did not stop here Nahid Afghamy give full access of the presidency to her relative Nusrat Isphani (Bhutto) and her husband ZA Bhutto. She was also 2nd wife of ZA Bhutto like her. Since then we had no real oil and gas mining in Baluchistan for the past 68 years. Was that mission of Nahid Afghamy or much more? We don’t know.
During John F Kennedy’s presidency reportedly FBI chief went to the US Attorney General his boss and brother of JFK with the photos of the president with the actress Marilyn Monroe who was also linked with the mafia. He told US Attorney General the FBI thinks this affair is not appropriate. Well, it is a matter of national security who the president of Pakistan is sleeping with Ayan Ali or Nahid Afghamy? Pakistan suffered from sabotage, espionage, and terrorism even before it was fully created. In a 1995 article, `Pearls of Memory’ (Al-Nahal„ Spring 1995), M M Ahmad wrote that: ‘close to independence, l was `designated by Pakistan’ as additional deputy commissioner of Amritsar to take over the charge of the district if it was awarded to Pakistan. One day the British deputy commissioner of Amritsar told him `casually that:’Gurdaspur district is likely to go to India’. The award of Gurdaspur gave India a land corridor to Jammu and Kashmir and so enabled it to Occupy the territory after three months.
A preliminary version of the award was ready on 8th August 1947. The definitive version was with the Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten (1.1979) on 12 August. However, Mountbatten informed India and Pakistan on 16 August- after the `process of the Transfer of Power had been completed’. M M Ahmad gives no date when this `top secret’ information was given to him. However, instead of rushing to report the matter to the Government of Pakistan, he traveled to Qadiyan to inform his `khalifa’. This contrasted with I the conduct of Indian officers who immediately reported any sensitive leak or information to Nehru (d.1964) and Nehru took it up with Mountbatten. General Gracey the Army Chief of Pakistan did not send troops to the Kashmir front and refused to obey the order given by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Governor-General of Pakistan. Gracey argued that Jinnah as Governor-General represented the British Crown of which he himself was an appointee. It was the second time Pakistan missed the opportunity to take Kashmir following the ‘partition formula’. Ignoring the legitimate stand of Pakistan and MA Jinnah on Palestine Sir Zafrullah Khan (Qadiyani) was able to say publicly in Cairo ‘in February 1952 that Israel must be ‘regarded as a limb in the body of the Middle East’. He further urged Egypt to seek a peaceful solution to the conflict, in other words, to give up any thought, of liberating Arab and Palestinian lands and recognize the illegitimate occupation of Palestine. After the US-sponsored assassination of Prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan was led into one military alliance after another: a Mutual Defence Agreement’ with the US (May 1954), SEATO (September 1954), and Baghdad Pact (February 1955). After the overthrow of the Iraqi monarchy, Baghdad Pact was christened as CENTO (Central Treaty Organization). Although Pakistan had no security conflict in that region, ‘Zafrullah had put the country into South-East Asia Treaty Organization, without consulting or even telling the army. The commander-in-chief, ‘General Ayub Khan, said he was informed only after Pakistan had joined the alliance. The other character was M M Ahmad born in (1913-2002) was reputedly one of Pakistan’s most powerful bureaucrats. He belonged to the elite ICS (Indian Civil Service, later, (CSP or the Civil Service of Pakistan) and was a district officer in 1947, but by 1966, he had risen to head Ayub Khan’s powerful Planning Commission. He helped to shape the Country’s economic as well as defense and foreign policies. Ayub Khan also wished Arab states to join the Baghdad Pact and turn it into a `powerful Muslim forum’, but he understood why they were suspicious of the alliance. However, although he did have foreign ministers like Manzur Qadir (1959-62; d. 1972) and Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada (1966-68), both pro-western but also Pakistani, but key policy decision had also to be cleared with a Qadiyani bureaucrat M M Ahmad. Though only the head of Ayub Khan’s Planning Commission, he had come to exercise a veto over political decisions as well. Taken as someone with influence in the World Bank, he could shoot down anything by simply saying it may not go down well with Washington. According to Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada, French President de Gaulle had personally told Ayub Khan in 1967 that France was ready to provide `full’ nuclear assistance to Pakistan. In return, he simply asked that France be allowed to mine for uranium in the northwest and share it equally with Pakistan. `Our “friends” may not like it,’ M M Ahmad told Ayub, and in any case, what do we need this expensive technology for.’ Words to that effect. But that is how Pakistan missed the opportunity of becoming a nuclear power at least two decades earlier than it did – and minus all the blackmail and intimidation that knows no end. In an as yet unpublished interview, the eminent constitutional expert and authority on Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah (d.1948) and Pakistan movement, Sharifuddin Pirzada also, told Ahmed Irfan a London based journalist that as far back as October 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle (d.1970) had offered Pakistan ‘full’ nuclear assistance and know-how; the only thing he wanted, in turn, was to he (France) should be allowed to mine for uranium in Northwest Pakistan for a 50% share. In April 1965, Ayub Khan had also gone to Moscow. This was the first-ever visit by a Pakistani leader to the Soviet capital. Ayub Khan came back with the understanding that the visit `might prove a turning point in our relations and that there were tremendous possibilities of cooperation’. The Soviets had actually agreed to give military aid to Pakistan, but writing two years later Ayub Khan had to understate the achievement because the same Qadiyani bureaucrat too had vetoed this. This offer had been made by Brezhnev at a meeting set for recreation and shoot some clay pigeons outside Moscow, but with only Ayub Khan and Pirzada attending. Ayub Khan quit in March 1969 and MM Ahmed (Qadiyani) acquired yet more influence. He emerged as economic supremo of the new Chief Martial Law Administrator, General Yahya Khan (d.1980). After Yahva was forced out in December 1971, MM Ahmad continued as Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s (d.1979) economic adviser. But a few months later, he went to Washington DC and joined the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank). There he rose to be the deputy executive secretary of the joint Development Committee in 1974. However, M M Ahmad’s imprint on Pakistan’s fiscal and development policies was to last forever. As Yahya Khan’s ‘finance minister’, he devalued the rupee by 131% percent. As one economist pointed out (Dawn, Karachi, 1st February 2002), ‘that was the start of the deficit finance, inflation and trade imbalance’ from which the country has not been able to free itself. In 1974 Bhutto amended the constitution to clarify the non-Muslim slants of (the Oadiyani creed to which M M Ahmad belonged; yet influence over the country’s bureaucratic and political elite remained unaffected. Many owed their position to his patronage and almost everyone wanted to benefit front his Washington connections’. In 1993, then army chief Abdul Waheed Kakar was looking for a caretaker prime minister to replace Nawaz Sharif. M M Ahmad is believed to have solved the ‘problem. The job went to Moeen Qureshi, who had recently retired as executive vice president of the World Bank; He was given a Pakistani `passport’ on arrival. MM Ahmad kept a low profile, but after October 1999 coup, he seemed to have become the regime’s `holy man’. He was the grandson of the Qadiyani `prophet’, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani, (d.1908) and son-in-law of the second Qadiyani `khalifa’, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (d.1965). Besides being an international bureaucrat, M M Ahmad was all active `missionary’ of his Qadiyani creed. After retiring from the World Bank in 1984 he formally became the `amir’ and missionary in charge’ of the group in the US with headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. While many power holders in Pakistan seemed proud of being `secular’, for MM Ahmad, it was his `religious’ vocation as a Qadiyani that really defined his relationship with Pakistan. The relationship was in conflict with the existence of Pakistan itself. According to a Qadiyani `prophecy’, revealed a few months before the independence of Pakistan, if at all India and Pakistan did separate, it would be `transient’ and the Qadiyanis were asked to try to bring an end to this phase soon. (Al Fzal, 4 April 1947 and 17 May 194’7) We hear of M M Ahmad in another CSP officer, Qudratullhah Shihab’s memoirs, Slihab Nama, (Sang-e-Meel, Lahore, 1991) that the 1965 war with ‘India was ‘a Qadiyani conspiracy’. It was planned by an able (Qadiyani officer, Major General Akhtar Hussain Malik’ and `backed by several powerful people, among them, at the lot of list was said to be Mr MM Ahmad’. Shihab checked this with the West Pakistan governor Nawab of Kalabagh (d.1967) and he concurred.’ That the Qadiyanis have their own particular agenda on Jammu and Kashmir is an open secret. Like the Oadiyani Nobel Laureate, Abdus Salam, M M Ahmad too was opposed to Pakistan becoming a nuclear power. In an as yet unpublished interview, the eminent constitutional expert and authority on Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah (d.1948) and Pakistan movement, Sharifuddin Pirzada, told Ahmed Irfan a London based journalist that as far back as October 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle (d.1970) had offered Pakistan ‘full’ nuclear assistance and know-how; the only thing he wanted, in turn, was to be allowed to mine for uranium in Northwest Pakistan for a 50% share. President Ayub Khan said he would reply after consulting with his officials back home in Pakistan. In the event, the offer was vetoed by M M Ahmad and the army chief Yahya Khan. They warned Ayub Khan that the US would not take it kindly. Pirzada was Ayub Khan’s foreign minister and is a personal witness to the affair. M M Ahmad is also believed to have been a key architect of the split between East and West Pakistan. ‘Planned’ for the economic disparity between the two wings and laid the grounds for an eventual conflict and break. Former cabinet secretary and author of The Separation of East Pakistan (OUP, Karachi, 1995) Hasan Zaheer (d.1998) quotes Brigadier, later Major General, M I Kareem telling him that Colonel Chaudhary, Staff Officer of Lt-General S G M M Peerzada (had) told him that he had read a top-secret paper of MM Ahmed, suggesting that it was time for the friendly separation of two Wings rather than elections and warning of serious consequences for the entire country otherwise’. Peerzada was Principal Staff Officer to President Yahya and Brig. M I Kareem his deputy. For M M Ahmad, however, helping to end the `transient’ was a duty ordained by his khalifa’. Born on 28 February 1913, in Qadiyan, Gurdaspur, M M Ahmad died on 23, Ju1y 2002, Washington DC and was buried, 30th July 2002, ‘in Baltishti Maqbrah’ in Ghenahnagar (formerly Ribwah), Pakistan. The purpose of narrating the history above is to give a background to the young researchers, writers, and journalists interested in Pakistan. It was not like that from the beginning. People were loyal, motivated, and sincere with Pakistan. They were true survivors and go-getters as nothing come in their way once they decided to do something. The current structural breakdown is linked with the corrupt and compromised elite and leadership without vision and strategy. The Americans will never hire someone like Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Altaf Hussain, or Pervez Musharraf as a manager of a small company but they don’t mind a ‘stupid’ running Pakistan. Sometimes we need ‘stupid’ like him said a US senator to a friend of mine and a Pakistani journalist in Washington.
This is a picture of our ugly bureaucracy. A poor politician corruption is nothing that BROADSHEET is claiming; Bureaucartes knows every penny of Pakistani money and where to move under their umbrella. In a recent example, Azerbhajan offered deferred payment oil, did our bureaucracy let allow it on sacrifices of their millions of dollars commission for the sake of Pakistan. But we have seen their inhumane bureaucracy act made an example without God's fear in the country where Pakistan's creation was based on Islam's Ideology. We all understand Karachi's situation during the 2000-2015 period and why this poor person was absent from his job because of fear of death due to Karachi's law and order concerns. In 2012, the Pakistani leadership sat down to sort out solutions for dealing with the menace of terrorism, and in 2013, political parties unanimously resolved on Monday 9, September 2013, at the All Parties Conference (APC), stating that negotiation with the militants should be pursued as their first option to counter-terrorism.
link to the original post along with attachments (photos)
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Suggests The Best Betting Sites And Betting Odds For Cricket
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Weather Watch - Colombo Sri Lanka Day 4

It has only been Thursday for less than 30 minutes in the picturesque Colombo but i have just rolled in from a big one so hoping to sleep now and be somewhat human come first ball where I will sacrifice my Sunday to watch every single one (and hopefully a lot of rain drops and cover action throughout the day) and keep a running update up the top here. As always please post updates on the game, your morale, what level you feel your degeneracy is at right now. For cricket novices, no question is too stupid especially now we will be relying on the 2 cricket teams to play their part. The umpires let 86 overs bowled yesterday so they are clearly against us, filthy dogs. See you in about 8 hours boys #raindance
EDIT - Thursday?? haha, was a big night indeed
DAY FOUR UPDATE - apologies the first one is coming late. When I saw a delayed start because of rain I just kind of fobbed it off. As did the bookies when the odds plummeted into 1.10. Since then though the skies cleared and NZ have emerged as the only possibly winners of the game, they are scoring quickly and setting up a path to victory now it's important to note they are still out at $5. For reference for our US degenerates, no NFL team is that long in week one of this season. For anyone starting to panic, remember now that NZ are the only team that can win Sri Lanka are now actively on our side. They are playing for the draw. They will do everything they can to get us our cash.
EDIT 2 - TEA BREAK de Grandhomme is our villan. We get his wicket I'm confident we can all go out and buy our Gucci flip flops monday. He has 19 of 24 balls with a strike rate of 79 (Meaning if he kept batting at this pace he would score 79 runs for every 100 balls faced) his partner out there at the moment has a strike rate of almost half that at 41, much more our pace. Now higher the strike rate generally means higher the chances of you getting out and it seems de Grandhomme is going to go for it in the next hour or so to see if they could get enough runs to declare and make Sri Lanka start batting tonight. They would do this in hopes of getting a couple of wickets before the final day making it easier to bowl out Sri lanka for the win and break our hearts. If Sri Lanka can get de Grandhomme out soon though we can all relax (we still should be fairly relaxed anyway, but we can go back to being as relaxed as we were when it was raining)
EDIT - 4:46 PM And the rain is back!! After we had a great morning of rain the rest of the day belonged to NZ but they are still rank outsiders currently paying $7 on Betfair (implied odds of less than 15% of winning). Play for the day has not been cancelled so they could continue again today but looks unlikely.
EDIT - thanks for making me look like a fool weather, they are back out there for another 30 minutes, hopefully rain or poor light eats into that though
EDIT for a while they were scoring an average of 4.5 runs an over and looking to increase it. The last 10 overs it's been 3.5 not a huge difference but shows Sri Lanka are doing well to not let NZ pile on the runs quickly.
FINAL EDIT FOR DAY 4 - bad light stops play. New Zealand commentator was quite frustrated NZ hadnt scored enough runs to start bowling at the end of today. Theres a chance NZ will tell the umpires they declare straight away in the morning and Sri Lanka bat from the outset. More likely is NZ go out there for a little bit and play ultra attacking for a short time then try and orchestrate a batting collapse. Odds at stumps (Betfair) Sri Lanka - $480 New Zealand - $6 Draw - $1.19
submitted by syrup_guard2020 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

Another bet the sub might like to get behind (FIBA World Cup 2019)

After our incredible journey on the 5 day cricket test match, I would completely understand if you didn't want to put yourself through the emotional rollercoaster again. I wouldn't post on here unless I had done some research and determined that I really liked this bet. I'll preface the write-up by saying that this is no "lock of the century," but I do think the bookies have underrated this severely. I will explain my reasoning below.

(1) The pick
(2) The odds + bookmakers
(3) Reasons why this bet could LOSE
(4) Reasons why I really like this bet
(5) TLDR

Giannis Antetokounmpo to lead the 2019 FIBA World in total points scored

I got in at 5.00 (decimal)/ +400 American on Bet365, however, regrettably this has gone down to 4.5/ +350.
On other Aussie bookmakers, you can fetch:
I'm sure my international friends can find comparable odds at your respective betting sites.

It's always important to consider how the bet can fall apart. Only considering the positives lends itself to making biased decisions, nit-picking only the information which helps your argument. So, here's where things can go wrong:

These are the reasons why I think this bet is tremendous value, with the final point being the real kicker.
TLDR: Bet on Giannis Antetokounmpo to lead the 2019 FIBA World in total points scored at odds of about 4.5/ +350 because the changed format means that it is very likely Greece will play the maximum of 8 games, and if that comes to fruition, Giannis will be the overwhelming favourite to outscore everyone else.

EDIT: There is also a classification round for teams 9-16 and 17-32, but I do not know if these games will count towards the official tournament statistics. If they do, then I think this bet is even better, but I am not relying on it. If anyone knows the answer I'm keen to hear.
submitted by youngbuckman to sportsbook [link] [comments]

The Grandfather Puzzle

Hey guys,
Apologies if this is a waste of time but, outside of boring my friends, I think this may be the best forum for my conundrum.
I'm a long time lurker on here and enjoy reading the strange experiences of others, but until recently, nothing's happened to me that would warrant more than a polite shrug.
The following may fit this criteria too, and may just be a grieving grandson trying to maintain a relationship severed in corporeality. It doesn't feel like this to me. It feels like there is something here and it feels like I'm getting close, but I'm self aware enough to know that I may not be the best judge.
So, this is where you guys fit in. I'm still rifling through boxes so I'm hoping there is more to come. But in the meantime, any guidance would be helpful, even if it's just telling me to stop & move on.
Grandad Joe
Before I reveal the private life of a private man to total strangers, I should ease my conscience by putting things in a bit of context.
The things I've found, and especially the way I present them, point to a fervent, and perhaps chaotic personality. But that's not the man I knew. My parents both worked a lot when I was a kid, so my grandparents on both sides half-raised me. My Dad's Dad loved a trip to the bookies, and a hand or two of cards, so it was through him that I learnt maths, whilst it was my Mum's Dad, Joe, always with a cryptic crossword by his side, who gave me a love of words & puzzles. The irony is that without this love, I wouldn't be sitting in his attic, only with the light of my laptop, documenting this now.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Joe's wife, my grandma, passed away when I was a kid and everything I know of her is a memory of a memory at best. But Joe didn't ever cut the shape of a grieving widower hermit; he was gregarious, had lots of friends, & a sharp wit even in his ninetieth year. He would keep up with pop culture just to mock me. He bought me Nirvana's In Utero for my 13th birthday and, with his trademark wry smile, told me "Kirk" Cobain was just a filthy Buddy Holly. Sorry to bore you all with these tidbits but I care as much about protecting my Grandad's integrity as I do about working out what the fuck he's been doing in secret all these years.
The Boxes
If it's not abundantly clear by now, my Grandad died recently. There is nothing suspicious about this bit. He was 90, drank most days, smoked every day, and had the diet of someone who lived through rationing and spent 65 years making up for it. My parents are still alive so I wasn't an executor of the will, but they live abroad & when they saw the amount of shit that Joe hoarded all these years, they were more than happy to pass over responsibilities to their curious, volunteering son.
If I knew what I was going to find, my filing system would be a lot better than it is now. I don't know how many boxes there are in here but the attic is roughly 7 boxes wide, ten long, and 2 tall. Though the boxes are of varying sizes and stacking configurations. I also need to stress that these are not hundreds of boxes packed with exciting stuff. There are boxes of bills, bank statements, and mundane letters which even I'm not interested in. There are also red herrings. After finding 3 consecutive documents which collectively terrified me, the next sheet of paper looked like some kind of code to break. After mulling over it for 2 hours, I went back to the box to find the following pages which showed that my target of armchair cryptology was just the results of his beloved Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, 1986-87.
But amongst this sea of unremarkableness, there are scribbles, documents, and letters which I don't know what to do with. I found the first one quite early on, maybe in the second or third box. On its own, it was strange, but it only gained its portent later.
It was a list entitled "Preparation Dates":
Preparation Dates
Identifying this list as an objection of inspection, was in itself a piece of luck. The rest of the items in this box were in decent condition but one piece of paper about half the size of A5 (is A6 a thing?!) was jaundiced with faded writing apart from some crude smiley faces scribbled on it. As the text was so faded, if I was working at a quicker pace, this could have been discarded. However, I was in a late evening, post-kebab stupor, which made me linger on this scrap of paper longer than usual. I noticed the smiley faces first. These proto-emojis were either happy or sad. But unlike what you are probably visualising now, there was something off about them. The happy ones had smiles which went far too high up the face. If this was a real face, they would be above the cheekbones. The sad ones were similar in that frowns were so elongated that they went off the bottom of the circular face.
I put this down to artistic ability at the time, and for all I know now, this could still be the case. I don't think it is but I'm still bumbling my way through everything. It was only after looking at the faces that I started making out the text. I still can't make out everything, but it looks like a list of dates. Due to how faded they are, the dates were most likely written long before the faces, though the faces themselves are of differing opacity and ink whilst the dates are more consistent.
The only additional insight I can give on this is I don't think the dates are written by my Grandad. After going through the amount of stuff I have done these past few weeks, I can pick out his handwriting instantly, and the dates don't match his at all. It could maybe be him purposefully disguising it, but that's all I can tell you. As for if the faces are his, I can't add anything of value here.
There are 16 dates listed, but I can only clearly make out six. The first one I am confident on is in 1962, where Joe would have been in his early 30s, the latest being at the turn of this century, when he was a retired man. As the dates aren't in chronological order, I can't say with confidence if the other dates are before or after these. The only other observation is that, for North American or East Asian readers, the dates are in DD/MM/YYYY format. They are as follows:
23/07/1984 Sad
03/06/2001 Sad
18/07/1962 Happy
05/01/1989 Sad
05/03/1990 Happy
14/08/1963 Sad
As you can see, I've added the expressions on the faces for each date. These could mean nothing, but any assistance would be really appreciated.
Finally, the title is another headscratcher. What is being prepared for?
The Letters
Not long after finding the dates page, I opened up a box full of letters. A lot of them were sweet ones from friends or other members of my family. There was one that was from my Grandad himself to my Auntie on her wedding day which broke me a little. As it's here I assume it's a draft or a copy or maybe even unsent. Me putting this here is as much a mental reminder for me to ask her about it as it is to add colour to the story.
But around half was correspondence from a man who signs off only as "Your Friend". At least I'm 90% sure the person's male. But I'll get to that later. I'm also 99% sure he's American and I'll get to that too.
These letters are weird. My best mental salvation that I've come up with so far is that it's a strange game or some collaborative piece of fiction. It feels a stretch but not as much as what they're talking about. The other problem with letters is that they're never explicit. It's frustrating reading correspondence where the subject is something that the participants know a lot about and you know nothing. Though maybe my biggest annoyance with this is nothing is dated. Isn't that the first thing you're supposed to write? For Joe & his "Friend", apparently not. Some piles felt chronologically consistent whilst others not.
One nice part of the letters is the insight it gives into my Grandad. Rather than just pure streams of clandestine nonsense, the letters are peppered with friendly interactions and sometimes even jokes. Helpfully, "My Friend" (YF from now on) sometimes copies an annotated facsimile of Joe's original letter so I can see both sides. YF uses incorrect spelling like "color" and throws a z in a word where it should be a s. So if he's not American, he was at least taught in an American school. There is also some cross-cultural anti-British banter in there, which if from the mouth of a stand-up comedian would be eye rolling or pedestrian but from two old pen pals is genuinely sweet. Unfortunately, none of the facsimiled letters I've read to date have retorts to this so I can't verify my suspicions on YF's origin. What I'd give for a fumbled aside about baseball being worse than cricket or how the US is still a British colony in my Grandad's eyes.
YF's way with words is a bit lacking compared to my Grandad's. Especially in the later letters, he describes a lot of third parties as "pussies" and talks a lot about perceived antagonists "sucking his dick". That's all I really have to say YF is a man. I'm aware that these are expressions and could be uttered by anyone, and that's why I'm not going above 90%.
As for the meaty content of the letters, I haven't found an elegant way of summarising them. The letters seem to contain an overarching feeling of dread with both men feeling surprised they are still alive and discussing practical plans for the future both on a micro and a macro level. There's roughly 14 pages on the quickest and most efficient way to burn varying types of tree; even more on the comparative thickness of skin (literal, not figurative) of different mammals; and swathes of discussion about governmental process which is both over my head and too boring for reproduction.
The bits that stick with me though are the odd digressions from the bulk of the text which drag me out of what I'm reading and make me go cold. YF talks a lot about the "swarm" but never with enough clarity than you can grasp. A phrase of his he's used dozens of times is how things "pull his nails of chalk" and I can find no other use of this online apart from his. In the middle of technical instruction there are allusions to the appearance of something: "lying eyes"; "smiles too big"; "incorrect face", "accurate hands", "no nails". The first few I thought was maybe him writing about an ex-wife but the rest are just bizarre.
I've not been as shaken by YF's words as I should because he's an unknown person. Though a probable friend of my Grandad, I still don't know him. As mentioned above there are a few bits that get to me but it's mainly Joe's words that seem to chill me as I know him, I loved him, and he was a sane man. Most of his letters are unemotional too but every so often there will be something off-kilter like "How much is a daughter worth to them? Do they understand?". I hope it's just a rhetorical question about a government policy but my Grandad never spoke like that, this feels literal.
So far, the letter that eats at me the most is one written to my Grandma. They lived together at this house decades before her death, so the fact that it's here makes me think it was sent to her whilst she was living here. Either that or she kept hold of it.. Again, it's not datemarked because my Grandad enjoys annoying me from beyond the grave. It's mainly pretty words about missing her and hating the place he's in. After the sign off though, he writes "If you can see a person on the tracks, and a train coming to hit them, but you know your words cannot save them, do you tell? Or is your gift of ignorance the best they can hope for? What if you knew your words would have a tiny chance? But telling them would forsake others. Is it arrogance and vanity to help or dereliction to not? I know I said I would not talk to you about this but if not to you, then to whom?"
In the mouth, or pen, of someone else, I'd see this as whimsy. That's not my Grandad. He was good with words but he wasn't reckless with them. This must mean something but I don't know what.
The Mirrors
I’ve been wrestling whether to mention this at all, as I’ve been trying to keep calm & present the facts but I need to talk about it to someone or I think I might crack (if I haven’t already). Despite working until the early hours at my Grandad’s house, I’ve yet to sleep over there. I’m not superstitious about staying in a dead man’s house or anything; it’s something else.
My Grandad’s house has a mirror in every room apart from the attic. This isn’t particularly strange apart from in the kitchen (who has a mirror in their kitchen?). But there’s something not right about these mirrors.
Do you know that feeling when you walk past a mirror & you think you catch something in your peripheral vision? Well this keeps happening in my Grandad’s house.
The first time I really remember it was on my fourth day there. I was turning off the lights before I left and as I got to the front door, I realised I forgot the pilot light above the oven (which I turned on earlier to make dinner). To walk back to the kitchen, I had to walk back through the hallway and past the living room.
The living room had its door ajar enough so I could see through to the mirror above the mantelpiece. The lights were off but the twilight gave the room enough lumination that it wasn’t pitch black. I didn’t even intend to look into the room, I just gave a casual glance to the side.
If I wasn’t so tired, and if my look was anything more than a glance, I’d swear that what I saw was a figure. A braver man would have investigated, but that’s not me, especially after spending a day in an attic reading things that were unnerving me anyway. I ran immediately back, ignoring the pilot light, and got out of the house as quick as I could.
I didn’t go back the next day but managed to persuade myself that I was being silly & that my mind was playing tricks on me. But it keeps happening. Not every day, but most, and sometimes more than once a day. And not just in the living room mirror, it happens all over. It’s never enough that I ever focus on it, and I never see movement, just glimpses of a static figure.
Since the first time, I’d not fled the house when it happened. Instead, I’d rush back to the mirrorless attic which has become my safe space, despite being filled with these boxes of dread. I didn’t know what to do any more. Fifty times a day, I thought I should forget it all and shred all the documents. But I couldn’t. My Grandad’s voice is in my head urging me on & I need to finish this.
Yesterday morning (I couldn’t face doing it at night), I went through the house and removed every mirror. One of the reasons I’m here anyway is to clear all the furniture so I lied to myself that’s what I was doing. It wasn’t. I haven’t removed anything else. I just don’t want to see another reflection I can’t explain.
On the way out last night, I walked past the living room again. The door was ajar again. There was no mirror. This doesn’t make sense, but in the void where the mirror should be, I think I saw a reflection of a figure again. And unlike the previous times, where I couldn’t make out any features, this time I think it was smiling.
I can’t believe I came back again today but I did. I want to know what this all is. If this is connected to the dates and the letters or if it’s all in my head. I still have lots to go through so I'll try my best to order this better in the next update I give. In the meantime, please let me know of any thoughts, especially on that weird date thing.
Between writing the above and finding the confidence to post it, I was rummaging around some boxes that I've not looked at yet and I found tapes. VHS tapes. The writing on the tape is alphanumeric code. I never saw my Grandad with a camera so between that and the codes, I don't think these are home videos.
I don't know what I want to be on them. The voyeur in me wants something strange but the grandson, and more importantly the coward, just wants them to be football highlights or old Westerns.
I don't quite have the courage to watch them yet, but I do to now post this. If you can help or have words of encouragement, please do.
submitted by TearsOfLeviStubbs to nosleep [link] [comments]

Satta King Record Chart Desawar 2020 | Satta King |

Satta King Record Chart Desawar 2020 | Satta King |
Satta King | Satta King 2020 |
Satta king game is a very hard and interesting game. It is a type of lottery which at first included betting and paces of cotton transmitted from the New York Cotton Exchange. It begins from before the time of Indian freedom when it was known as Ankada Jugar ("figures betting"). In the 1960s, the framework was supplanted with different methods for producing the arbitrary numbers, including slips from a huge pottery pot known as a matka, or managing playing a card game. Matka betting is unlawful in India.
In the first type of the game, betting would occur on the opening and shutting paces of cotton as transmitted to the Bombay Cotton Exchange from the New York Cotton Exchange, through teleprinters. In 1961, the New York Cotton Exchange halted the training, which made the punters search for elective approaches to keep the matka business alive.
Rattan Khatri presented proclaiming opening and shutting paces of fanciful items. Numbers would be composed on bits of paper and put into a matka, a huge earthen pitcher. One individual would then draw a chit and pronounce the triumphant numbers. Throughout the years, the training changed, with the goal that three numbers were drawn from a pack of playing a game of cards, however, the name "matka" was kept.
In 1962, Kalyanji Bhagat began the Worli Matka. Rattan Khatri presented the New Worli matka in 1964, with slight adjustments to the guidelines of the game. Kalyanji Bhagat's Matka ran for all days of the week, while Rattan Khatri's matka ran just five days every week, from Monday to Friday.
The times of the 1980s and 1990s saw the matka business arrive at its pinnacle. Betting volumes in an overabundance of Rs. 500 crore would be laid each month. The Mumbai police's monstrous crackdown on the matka nooks constrained vendors to move their base to the city's edges. A large number of them moved to Gujarat, Rajasthan and different states. With no significant wellspring of betting in the city, the punters got pulled in to different wellsprings of betting, for example, on the web and that at lotteries. In the interim, the rich punters started to investigate betting on cricket matches.
In 1995 there were in excess of 2,000 major and medium-time bookies in the city and neighboring towns, yet from that point forward the numbers have declined generously to under 300. The turnover has stayed around Rs. 100 crore, this is month to month. The current market business is revolved around Maharashtra.
An individual who has won a lot of cash from Matka betting is known as a "Matka King".
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About Us | Satta King | is a portal where you will get fatest result of Gali, Deshawar, faridabad, Ghaziybad and Satta king other games. We also have yearly and monthly wise recort chart of Gali, Deshawar, faridabad, Ghaziybad game. You can check all that record and can make a prediction of upcoming number.
On this website you will find contact number of many predictor who sell their predicted game. We don't give guarantee about any predictor posted their contact number on this website.
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There are 3 top players in India. Here is the names of these famous personalities in the Matka era:
1. Kalyanji Bhagat
2. Rattan Khatri
3. Suresh Bhagat
Kalyanji Bhagat | Satta King |
The greatest name in the entire world in the Satta King and gambling industry name as Kalyanji Bhagat.
Kalyanji bhagat made very cool strategies to win the games. Kalyanji bhagat family name was “GALA” and the name bhagat.
In 1941, he arrived as a migrant in Bombay. He was initially in Bombay and has a grocery store and there he sells various things such as spice.
Rattan Khatri presented announcing the opening and shutting paces of fanciful items.
In 1962, Kalyanji Bhagat began the Worli Matka. Presently the rage has been completely changed. You can now be able to observe all satka Matka games on the Online Satka Matka site, for example, Play Bazzar, Play Bajar, Play Bazaar Xyz, and numerous different sites.
Rattan Khatri | Satta King |
The 2nd greatest names in the gambling are rattan, Khatri. Rattan Khatri passed very hard challenges in the gambling industry and made many records which are unbreakable till now. He is known as a Matka king from the 90s. He won a crore of rupees from gambling.
Ratan Khatri is considered by numerous individuals to be the pioneer of the betting/wagering development in India. Rattan belongs from a Sindhi family, began from humble beginnings and like most Hindu Sindhis living in India, he came to Mumbai from Karachi, Pakistan when he was a young person during the 1947 segment.
He is credited as the individual who changed Matka (a type of betting in India that began in Mumbai in 1962) into India's greatest wagering racket and set up an across the nation betting system that went on for a considerable length of time under his influence until he resigned and chose to give up his position.
The Matka furor cleared Bombay during the 1970s and 1980s and furthermore proceeded into the 90s until the police got serious about it. Khatri is known as the boss of the Matka racket - and general society and media alluded to him as the Matka King.
Although Khatri has since quite a while ago resigned and doesn't work the Matka business any progressively, various bookies keep on dishonestly work under his name of Ratan Matka. In a period of political confusion during the crisis declared by Indira Gandhi, Ratan Khatri was captured for 19 months. Following his capture, and because of extraordinary open disdain towards Indira Gandhi, there were drones by the baffled Indian masses that Ratan Khatri should become head administrator rather than Indira Gandhi - the slogan(a reference to Gandhi's Garibi Hatao crusade) went "Indira Gandhi ko hatao, Ratan Khatri ko leader banao". Ratan Khatri has consistently been known to lead a basic and stark life and was constantly found in his trademark kurta pajama and a suppressor tied around his head even while directing his business. He has now surrendered Matka for over 10 years yet keeps on living in Mumbai, India.
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Suresh Bhagat | Satta King |
The 3rd great personality name in this era is Suresh Bhagat. Suresh Bhagat was murdered in 2008 when he was traveling with his lawyers, bodyguards, and six other persons. He made many records in the gambling industry. He won very big prizes from the money perspective. If you want to start the Satta king lottery game for the long term, you should always follow his tricks about this. Suresh tips helped already hundreds of people.
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Here is the Explanation about what exactly gambling is? Matka Gambling:
Trust me the majority of people gamble without knowing the real tricks of it.
Do you know What about 'normal come back to player'? When you bet, would you say you are playing an expertise-based game or is everything down to risk – and does it make a difference? What are your genuine odds of winning? Would you be able to isolate truth from fiction among the numerous legends encompassing gambling? Before you choose to bet it is a smart thought to know how gambling functions so there are no shrouded astonishments.
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What is gambling, the exact meaning? Satta King |
Gambling is participating in a game during which you hazard cash, or something of fiscal worth, so as to win cash or a prize. The result of the game is normally down to risk, so when gambling you may leave with less cash than you began with, and here and there with nothing by any stretch of the imagination.
There are more types of gambling, including scratchcards and lotteries , games like poker and blackjack, betting on sports or occasions, playing club games, gambling machines or bingo. Numerous individuals appreciate gambling, in the case of having a shudder on the Grand National or purchasing the odd scratchcard, or partaking in gambling on an increasingly customary premise. Gambling is definitely not an awful thing, yet it tends to be dangerous, so we have to keep ourselves educated and settle on more secure decisions.
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How to Play Satta King?
You need to know to how to play Satta King, the most and first thing is Satta lord the king is lottery and number-based game, In this game you need to pick number or digit, it is anything but difficult to play, everybody can play Satta king, and in the event that you need to play Satta ruler, so you need to learn about the game, how it is work and how it is go, you can play it.
Let’s discuss in some details!! So you can understand it well... Satta king game redirection is a kind of betting entertainment, which was made in 1960 in Mumbai and it has been played starting now and into the foreseeable future. The redirection has wound up being a colossal force for players every completed Indium, other than being increasingly pervasive in Mumbai. As the redirection is definitely not hard to play Satta king, it has gotten its acclaim amidst various card sharks in Mumbai.
Satta king, have you heard this name before from any of your mates or family members? Clearly you would have heard a lot about it from your partners, sidekicks, neighbors or family members. Directly for the people who don't have the overlooks thought regarding a single word behind this name, Satta king and Dpboss, let me impact this thing to clear. Satta king and Kalyan Matka is a kind of betting redirection had by the bigger influence of people living in the Worlds. Since the 1960s, this redirection is played by people. In the earlier conditions and preoccupation, scarcely any number chits are set in a generous earthen pot, which we call Matka number. By then out of these numbers, a chit is pulled out and he is considered as the champ of this delight which we call as Satta king and Kalyan Matka Sure number.
Be that as it may, the most significant thing is, Satta king is unlawful game , individuals play it furtively, on the grounds that Satta king game didn't keep the standard and guideline or conventions, that is the reason is illicit and prohibited, individuals have considered it and they ought to stop to playing this sort of game, this isn't reasonable for play this sort of game.
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submitted by pakhiparihar27 to u/pakhiparihar27 [link] [comments]

[Sweet Nola] - Chapter 1

Nola was twenty-three years old. Her hair was dyed blonde and she wore it shoulder length. She moved to Ireland from Belarus when she was eight years old. Her speech contained a trace of Slavic accent and she would stumble on the occasional word if she was nervous.
The ever beautiful Nola entered the fancy Allé Chandelier Café au Lait. A most fabulous hipster café that sells overpriced sugary drinks with unnecessarily long and hard to remember beverage names.
As Nola pushed with through the revolving door with her more than feminine musculature, she had already decided what she was going to order. In fact, Nola has a 'drink of the day' for every day. Today was Wednesday. Humpback Wednesday as she likes to call it. For Wednesday, she needed the most potent coffee, black coffee. Two more days to go, she thought.
"Bonjour petite mad-moose-selle. The usual?"
"Le Venti Blanc Cappuccino with no sugar. Ah yes, the usual. Merci," Nola replied with a goofy looking smile. Her jaw was slightly misaligned whenever she smiled but she was pretty enough to pull it off. It honestly didn't detract from her cute bubbly look at all.
"One Le Venti," the coffee artist emphasised the venti in an exaggerated Italian accent, "Blanc à la Cupa coming right up," now mixing Italian with French. The coffee artist winked, causing sparkles to materialise out in Nola's overactive imagination. He was suave and handsome to boot but was too gay in Nola's eyes. The man’s posture echoed more femininity than the most girly of girls even though he had the body of a bodybuilder.
Nola let out a polite sounding scuffle of a laugh causing the barista to flush. I'm so suave, he thought to himself. How homosexually flamboyant of him, Nola thought beneath her smile.
Nola grabbed her overly long named coffee and exited the hipster coffee shop.
She stood outside and breathed in the fresh cool morning air. The wisps of steam from her Le Venti Blanc with cream but no sugar danced and hung in the air. The smell of finely poured coffee switched her into robotic office lady mode. I am ready for paperwork. I'm ready.
She then decided to take a tiny sip of it. Carefully raising the cup as to not set her throat on fire, she took a teeny sip that burned her lips. Playing the dangerous game of being burnt in the mouth woke her up to the gravity of the situation. It was time to set foot into the office. The solemn office life awaits her.
She adjusted her skirt and pinched up her stockings. It was time, she thought yet again. For real this time. Any moment now.
The entrance to the insurance company she worked in was directly beside the café. A sigh of the heftiest manner was exhaled through her nostrils, blowing some steam out into the cold summer morning. The glass door parted for her and she stepped afoot without any more procrastinations.
Nola walked through an even more depressing door which led to her desk. Cold, hard and grey was the colour palette of the office life. Nola was subconsciously screaming every day and she even didn't know it. Keeping up this façade of a normal life was tedious but her job as an assessor gave her life security.
Twenty heavy stacks of pages and pages later, she realised her fears were well founded. Her face was buried beneath stacks and stacks of papers detailing names, ages, health problems, insured wealth...
"Nola, it's only half nine. Looks like you're hanging by the thread."
She looked up and who would you know, Dave the psycho NPC with his head popped up from their desk wall that was propped between them.
"Bleh~ Why don't you do my share if you're so compassionate, Dave?"
He squinted his eye like he was doing his best impression of a china man caricature.
"Sleepy already? Don't know whatcha' want since you always look so tired. It's a comfortable career here. Good easy money. I've done a lot worst. Used to work at the bookies. This-" he pointed both fingers to the ceiling, "-is heaven on Earth. I'm tellin' ya Nola." Dave let out a hearty crackle of a laugh. "Hee hee hee heeee-"
A psychopath, thought Nola. Her eye bags had already materialised to the surface of her light make-up. Office workers were all deranged, even myself. Whether it was because they were driven crazy trapped in their mundane life of modern slavery or perhaps, it was the office that attracted these psychos.
She had thousands of things she wished for and none of them were to have a desk beside his. It was a semiopen office with waist level walls separating every two worker. Nola wished the wall was made higher but clearly a psychopath was in charge with designing the layouts of the office too. In other words, office life was a certain variation of hell and Nola was living thick in it, exposed.
She had had enough of his retarded demeanour. She decided to take her daily thirty minutes break fifteen minutes earlier than usual, totalling her small break of today to forty-five minutes. She glanced pitifully at the creature that was Dave before she left.
Nola sat staring emptily out the window in the café she visited this morning. She had the same coffee sitting in front of her, now an ice coffee.
She looked at the barista. It was the same barista from earlier this morning. Of course it was the same. Only an hour had past. Why in the world would a shift last so little? Why do these idiotic and obvious statements run rampant in my mind? Annoyed at herself, she ruffled her hair irritably.
The barista was a handsome, jacked man whose muscles seemed to be on the verge of bursting through the seams of his undersized shirt. She examined him and came to the same conclusion as always. That he clearly visited the gym six days out of seven in a week. He looked gay, Nola thought, handsome but gay. The fact that she have seen him so much of him, the lustrous appeal has long worn off.
Since she took her morning routine tea break early, she decided to loiter around Grafton Street. The streets were quiet. The normal hustle and bustle has not begun yet. The streets were mostly still filled with men and women in suits heading to their jobs. Nola was sure that these people were contemplating their adult life. She herself didn't really mind as these people didn't. As a well-adjusted contributing member of society, this was how things were. It was important to fit in.
Along her walk, she saw a man dragging a harp shaped object on the back of a trolley. There were some boxes stacked in the front topped by an upside down stool. He looked about his mid-twenties and sported a chic black overcoat. Another man with a perfectly trimmed beard, she thought. After visiting the usual coffee shop with the flamboyant barista sporting the same type of beard, Nola couldn't help but think that all of these bearded types of men were gay. The box was rounded on the top. Curious at what it was, Nola followed him inconspicuously conspicuously since she was a clumsy person.
Nola could not imagine such a sleek macho looking man playing the harp. Then again, chances are he's gay, thought Nola again. The man stopped in the middle of the shopping district and propped up three wooden legs. What was placed on it was what Nola thought was a harp case. Turns out to her surprise it was a little baby grand piano. Don't go judging something by its appearance I guess.
"Kinda early to set up?"
"I have to stake my territory early."
"Whatcha' gonna play?"
"Oh, a fan already? I'm joking. I don't have any fans."
"If you can play something that I like, you'll get your first fan."
"Something you like?"
The man placed the stool in front of the freshly set up mini baby grand.
"Do you have any preferences?"
“Hmm... Piano Sonata No.14 in C-sharp Minor, third movement by Beethoven.”
"The third movement of Moonlight Sonata is unfortunately not part of my usual repertoire I'm afraid," he paused deep in thought. “That one's too demanding but give me three months and I'll be able to play that one."
"Do you know a Coldplay song?"
"One Coldplay song coming right up."
Do do do do doo doo~ Do do do do doo doo~
When he started singing, she was blown away that he could actually sing and wasn't just looks. If somebody drags around an acoustic piano around, that musician better be able to sing.
When the singing finished. Nola stood speechless. She even forgot to clap which she loved to do just like Americans.
"You're so good. I didn't deserve that."
The man laughed.
"Are you single?"
The man laughed harder.
"No, I'm serious."
The man laughed even harder and then suddenly stopped.
"Sorry, I'm dating somebody.'"
"Ah." Lucky girl, she thought. "It's a cold day today isn't it?"
She crouched down and placed a tenner gently in the long, rectangular case and a euro on top of the note to keep it from being blown away.
She pretended to look at her watch and then set off back to the office. She wanted to ask the man for his number but what's the point if he's taken. Her friend Eleanor and her little brother was much better at piano, she thought. They couldn't sing though.
Nola was back at the office. Her head was down working on some meaningless piece of banal work on her corporate laptop that had already been finished during the first twenty minutes of the day. She was merely pretending to look busy as she sensed there was somebody approaching her. It was old man Vasco. It was lunchtime.
He did a head tilt to Nola to signal her to join him for lunch. Old man Vasco was a hell of a perv and he was Filipino. She would overhear Vasco and some other work colleagues commenting and rating the asses of female co-workers who walked by. Men, pigs. Nothing in their mind but meat. They were all married men as well with wife and kids and this made Nola grimace in disgust when Vasco asked her to lunch together. What also disgusted Nola was women who settled with these pigs.
Why do they marry people like this? I'd pulverise him with my bare fists if I catch a glance. She meant it. She didn't go to the kickboxing gym for nothing. She relished in beating people with brute force. She loved to inflict pain, especially if it was on defenseless old men like Vasco. There was something hugely satisfying when a man submits to a strong woman.
She walked with him to the canteen.
"How did you meet your wife?"
"Ah, my wife..." Vasco squinted his already squinty Asian eyes and looked ponderously ahead as if he had x-ray vision that saw through the walls to the female toilets. "I haven't forgotten, it's just been so, so long ago."
"Ah, so yo-"
"It was a hot Philippine summer. I could still hear the cicadas, cricketing outside on those eucalyptus trees."
They lined up in a queue full of middle-aged men.
"I was a plumber."
Nola pretended to be surprised at this fact to look attentive. A sleazy plumber obviously.
"The door opened and my jaw dropped down several stories because the most beautiful woman I have ever seen was standing in front of me."
"Wow, lucky."
"Yes, but I had to have the courage for the coming steps." He let out deep sigh to emphasise the gravitas of his words, "Fate only brings you to the door."
"True", Nola tilted her head to show she agreed.
"-and so of course I had her number since I was called as a plumber."
Nola retracted her previous agreement. Fate did too much of the heavy lifting for this sleazy old man. Some people have all the luck.
She grabbed the ladle and poured some soup into her bowl while Vasco continued on his story as if he was reciting the Iliad. By the time they arrived at the table, the tale was finished with pomp and circumstance
"Lucky you."
"That's why I named my little girl Lucy. You know, like lucky."
"Ah really?" Nola felt sickened but didn't show it.
One of Vasco's circle of friends approached the table while Nola slurped on her soup. It was Dave the psychopath.
"Hola Vasco, hola Nola."
Christ, Dave. Vasco is Filipino, not Mexican. This was Dave's trademark greeting to Vasco yet Vasco wasn't offended. Cultural differences, thought Nola. If he doesn't feel offended then there's no need to correct Dave. Dave talked like a child more often than not. He probably spends too much time playing and baby talking with his child.
"Look at you fellas, slurping yer soup. What's on the menu today?"
"It's whatever leftover they had from yesterday.” answered Vasco solemnly.
Nola looked at the soup, not noticing what she was slurping on until now. It was spaghetti bits today.
"My child loves those spaghetti cans," Dave said and then decided to launch a one sided dialogue on the latest reality show that his wife and him watched.
Vasco grumbled something unintelligible.
Another man joined the table holding his own lunchbox.
It was one of the higher ups, a project manager; a slimy, swarthy man. He was Indian. His stomach was fat and his hair was slicked back, carefully styled to be fashionable in his eyes. There was bad blood between Vasco and the fat Indian. Office politics. Backstabbing. Both mutually interchangeable.
"Hey guys." His voice was hoarse, containing hardly any vitality, almost evoking a sense of pity. This was all just an act. Appear weak and strike when they least expected. Art of War, Sun Tzu. A manager's bible.
Vasco grumbled even louder as he shuffled across to make a space for the newcomer.
The swarthy man immediately overtook the conversation with his own diatribe.
"Ah, always bring your own lunch. Nothing healthier than homemade food."
Vasco couldn't help but nod his head in agreement even though he hated the swarthy snake.
"True," agreed Dave. "Always with your words of wisdom, Kamil."
What leaked into the air from the lunchbox was an extremely pungent smelling curry. It stung the nostrils if you weren't a curry consuming race like Kamil. Nola thought it looked tasty but the amount of grease and oil in it didn't look as healthy as the big shot manager implied. I'm sure he's just eating it to save lunch money, she thought. He was a known penny pincher even though he had the highest salary of them all at the table.
Another man joined the table and they all shuffled over again. Then another one and another one. Soon there wasn't even elbow room left on the small round table.
Nola pretended to listen intently to their conversations. They talked about current news, politics which Dave tuned out of, talks about the latest reality TV show that Dave and his missus obsessed over which was now Vasco's turn to tune out, and the such. The most common topic they talked about was their wife and kids and paying their mortgages.
Her ears perked up when Dave talked about the negative effects of Spongebob Squarepants. He shook his head in quiet disgust mentioning it.
"Some of them cartoons are dangerous."
"I'm sorry? We're talking about Spongebob right?” one of the office drones chimed in. The office drone laughed.
Nola kept her cool, curious at how Spongebob Squarepants could possibly destroy and corrupt childhood innocence.
"Some of them are wacko. The subliminal messaging and images in it. It's not good for them," David said with utmost seriousness. He continued begrudgingly as if speaking of unspeakable war crimes performed on children. "A child's mind at that age are easily influenced."
"You might say they're like sponges."
Dave ignored him. "It's dangerous. Some of the ideas that go into them," he shook his head again. " I don't want my girl to grow up weird."
Nola laughed inside at this forty year old grown man preaching the dangers of Spongebob. Caveman intuition as evidence wasn't exactly what she would present as an argument when vilifying a child's cartoon. Only one visibly laughed. Vasco nodded in agreement. Confederacy of the dunces, she thought and I was one of them.
There was an intern at the table who looked like a lost child. Nola saw that in his eyes languished a physical pain. The pain of having to witness these types of adult conversations every day. Nola was sure that he would not be back after his placement was over. Who could blame him? The world of adults was not a place for the weak minded.
This was why she didn't like grabbing lunch with Vasco and the other office drones. It wasn't much better with the female co-workers. All they talked about were men, work and people she didn't know. Nola felt a bit indebted to Vasco though since he was her first manager so she sucked it up and laughed when appropriate and questioned when something was meant to provoke a question.
Nola went outside for her daily after lunch walk as did most of the other employees. She went to the bookstore called Bookchapters. His little brother had already finished the last book she got him. He was probably getting a lift back home right now from school, she thought.
She started giggling at the thought of how vehemently opposed Dave was to a child's cartoon. Then she felt disgusted that seemingly college educated idiots like Dave were raising children. What other dumb traits would someone like him pass and nurture. No wonder the world's in a current mess when educated people were no better than retards. Spongebob Devilpants, she thought.
She picked up a book for under four year olds. Teletubbies. Wonder what Dave's opinions were on these homosexual devil spawns who eat LSD laced cookies. Or was it marijuana in Dave's view? She threw her head back in cackling laughter, drawing worried looks from customers.
She picked up a picture book this time. "The Beautiful Princess" by Mel Blanc. That's me alright. I think I would like this one more than my little brother though. I'm sure he'll enjoy it too.
She picked up another book because the spline was eye-catching. "The Watcher of the Dusk." She decided she liked the title and the cover and purchased it. It can't be that bad if the title sounds cool.
She looked at her watch. 3pm. I should head back to the office.
When Nola got back to her desk, she didn't have anything that she didn't already blaze through from earlier this week and this morning so she sat there watching videos on the internet on one monitor and playing checkers on the other.
Some days she would get home exhausted from doing absolutely nothing at work. It was strange.
The thing about working, she thought, was that any kind of work ethic results in the same pay. You move up in the world building and linking networks, something she excelled at. The other factor that's equally important is luck. This job itself came from a friend who she met at the gym across from this office block.
She typed some trite into a spreadsheet and then checked her corporate e-mail.
"Let's see, let's see." She hummed the tune from earlier in the morning. "Yay, new email." She said in feigned enthusiasm.
It was an application to upskill with a paid master's in a national college. They pay you to skip out on work by attending this college, I could use that. Nola was really thinking of escaping this company and hoping that she would never have to see these people ever again. According to the course, she would be working on a thesis project in conjunction with the branch here, and would have to travel back to this office from time to time. I still get to see them less though. A lot less.
She examined it closer. It was a contract that extended her current contract by another two years. The option of paying her way out of the contract was always there so that didn't concern her.
There was also a requirement to attend a work convention in San Francisco for a presentation. In other words, she would be in charge of advertising their company in Silicon Valley. They only paid for the airline ticket and expenses in the airport. A multi-billion dollar company being cheapskates. Business as usual, Nola thought. She knew of a loophole to make some necessary adjustments to corporate trips.
The problem was her little brother. He was disabled from the waist down and she was his sole caretaker. She was afraid he wouldn't be able to settle comfortably in when they would move to the other city where this university was situated in.
She knew if she were to ask him, he would go along, not wanting to deter her because of his own disabilities.
Then again, not working a nine to five job would mean she would have more time to spend with him. She lamented how he was starting to feel emotionally distanced from her these days.
She glanced at the other details. Pay was good. In fact, they paid for the studying which was more than her current pay if you factor in they will cover the accommodation cost. It was a master’s in marketing. The project undertaken during the course will be in corporation with this corporation. Her eyes scanned the line twice and then the rest of the e-mail. Blah, blah, blah, it read.
She had been out of college for two years now. To go back would feel like a step backwards and the prestige of holding paper degree didn't mean much to her. Starting a new life attracted her though. She had already reached a comfortable dead-end.
"Why not?" she thought.
The digital clock struck 4.00pm. I'm good enough for the day. Tired from doing little to nothing as usual. Collecting pay checks were easy once you found yourself in the door.
She thought about what she had: Money, a comfortable house, friends, a person I love and cherish and a nice easy life. It would mean throwing out everything that she had built up if she got accepted to the master's.
As she left, she looked back and saw Dave's head stuck down, hard at work.
Nola took the bus home. The bus wasn't crowded but she stood the whole way. When she decided to sit down the next stop was her stop.
She stood in front of her home shuffling through her little handbag for her keys. She opened the door and what greeted her was a sight of a crippled boy covered in blood.
Chapter 2
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Sports betting website development services have taken leverage in the past one year. The task of predicting results of sports matches and the way to place bets on the outcome of any sports match or events is a great way to accomplish revenue followed by a huge fan base. While sports betting games like cricket and football include people earning their bread and butter, however, it also includes people who bet for entertainment. You can provide millions with the platform to bet using the right sports betting API.
A bet has two possibilities. Either you win, or you lose. Bookmakers or bookies are the companies that provide sports betting services for the betting agency. Betting exchange is the service provider who offers a marketplace. The customer or the candidate who places a bet is called Punter.


API is an application programming interface that is set between two websites to fetch data from the other. The website provides an application programming interface that creates flexibility for the other site. Ones the application programming interface is implemented to one website, the website that is executed will have access to all market odds.


The entrepreneurs have taken sports betting to a new level by providing a common platform to all the sports lovers. This concept of best sports betting API has provided wagers to sports lovers and service providers, through which the customers are also benefitted and earned a significant profit in the market.


A number of sports betting API has made entry to business and some have become the leading sports betting API provider in the market. Here are some of the list:


Please do not consider the cost as the deciding factor while you invest in sports betting API. The owners do not generate revenue when they lose a bid but also get a commission when they win and the adds that appear on the website give another fixed income.


The primary area of concern is the cost and flexibility of the mode of payment when one decides the project. Depending upon the policies of different best sports betting website development company in India, either you are asked to take things digitally or use currencies.
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Best Betting Sites » Top International Betting Sites 2020

  1. KTO
Video gaming sector experts created KTO as a new as well as innovative website which brings you reliable, registered gaming experience. KTO provides ensured services to its consumers and also make them really feel remarkably distinct. The squad running the website has greater than half a century of experience in the wagering market. Providing a vast array of port games and live betting clubs, it also supplies the best chance on the first sporting activities events also. The site constantly expects to adding the most up to date advancements. You can select from a varied variety of Payments treatments, languages and also money. The website is still taking actions to guarantee reasonable as well as safe pc gaming, thus still keeping up with as well as aiding the individuals.
This site is an impressive online location, with impressive video games being worked on by finest programmers, keep up with their image. This website operates ground-based online casinos together with on-line gaming. You can become an associate of the club or online casino site. Consumer's experience is always essentially perfect that the firm gets respect whatsoever. Casino opts to give comfortable and also protected gaming experience to the customer. They declare to be one of the most popular casino in the UK, and also it appears when you come through the reviews of their online gambling establishment.
Bookmaker website sub-structured in London is also signed up on London stock exchange. The foundation was laid by William Hillside in 1934, at the time when Britain didn't support gambling. The leading company workplaces are located in the UK although the company runs all over the world, and about 14,000 people are utilized. This website supplies to bet online and likewise by phone. Greater than one million wagers are refined daily. In addition to the sportsbook, it also provides on-line bingo, gambling establishment, skill video games and so on
Bovada has been adding to an on the internet pc gaming experience because 2011, far better than anyone. Bets are taken down in the cross-functional sportsbook, Face publication, in the casino poker spaces or land gambling enterprises, are after that placed to retreat. Gamers have enjoyment as well as convenience and enjoy pleasing betting experience. Bovada has become a name in gambling web sites using poker, casino, poker and wagering in sporting activities as well as steed racing, and also one can count on. It can be a centralized location for on-line gaming, as it is taking sporting activities bettors near acting along with being secure and also fast. This is a pleasant site.
This on-line betting site is run from Australia, Canada and also the United States. It was released in 2014 as well as is handled by BeOnSports former heads. This website put forward sports betting, games and race betting. The site allured customers via radio advertising campaigns and the internet. It ended up being a repeating sponsor for ESPN radio programs. Live wagering qualities provides the users to put a bet on a video game already in progress. In-play gambling borders essential soccer, tennis, hockey events. Live casino licenses consumers to enjoy preferred table games while they can chat with other users or suppliers during the game via online video streaming.
InterTops is adding to the pc gaming market by giving contentious chances and also outstanding favours. The firm is setting the highest requirements for the pc gaming industry. It is the globe's significant site for wagering and also on the internet gaming. This website is prancing its customer count in over 180 nations. Five hundred million dollars have actually been paid to the successful individuals around the world. This business is a well-reputed and also reliable source for the on the internet video gaming experience. In any location of on the internet pc gaming, InterTops use modern technology which adds to the enjoyment and pleasure. InterTops site is using 23 techniques. It has actually been placed 36,908 among sites because of 1,518,293 month-to-month site visitors.
  1. BETUS
This firm, structured in 1994, is an inconspicuously operated on the internet gaming company offering to bet on online sporting activities, derby and also gaming. Your internet browser can be utilized for on spot video gaming. BetUs runs a mobile programme, Gamers can check out the on the internet gambling establishment on the mobile website as well can give up their sports wagers. It additionally provides real-time betting. This feature is adjourned during damaging moments and also is resumed in a safe environment.
  1. BET9JA
As mentioned by, the second most seen website in Nigeria is Bet9ja. This website uses to bet on prime sport events held in Nigeria. It was inaugurated in 2013. Consumers go to the site for high-rank odds on football and to experience best online wagering solution. It was founded as an offline pc gaming platform versus various other online systems. Bet9ja got a superior action in the first 3 years of operation accompanied by a substantial turnover. The Bet9ja group is constantly enhancing the site by adding up to date as well as interesting features to the website. It earns millions of Naira every year. This website is approved as well as insured under the Lagos State lottery game board. In 2015, Bet9ja was the executive sponsor for Nigeria's Women's Football League.
Hi, FOLLOWER ORGANIZATION exists users with social football experience by giving a platform for the fans where they can connect and engage. Every weekend the participants need to prophesize the end result of English football suits. Competitions can be held between close friends, competence, or the on the internet community and rewards are paid in cash money. This job, includes growth for web, iphone and also Android, was created by Tallium for a Swedish based company. Besides, being a wagering platform as well as reward earning website, this site brings the football neighborhood together. FAN ORGANIZATION mixes the betting with the social structure, which supplies the individuals with an enjoyable gaming understanding. Betting on online games is supplied, as well as the profits are upgraded with every goal that is racked up. At the end of the match, users can see which of their forecasts were exact or off-target. The application also apprises concerning the most up to date football information as well as expertise prognosis on the social feed. Customers can produce leagues as well as evaluate their skills against other participants. The gamers are allowed to attach and also talk using public conversations. FAN LEAGUE choose the professionals, users can get assist from them, as well as they likewise suggest just how to place an effective wager.
  1. 3ET
3et is among the brand new software application giving a sole betting service. Bettors are designated totally free as well as safe strategy to the wagering market. Arrangements and accepted wagers are all done by 3et without any voidness. A significant platform is offering the highest possible limitations and most exceptional odds for sporting activities betting. 3et has a method to all vital bookies and also exchanges. 3et advanced half time and edge wagers for football. This website offers individuals one of the most successful betting experience. They mention to be the best as well as purchasers will be so happy they will never need any other sportsbook.3 et belongs to Eurasia sporting activities restricted. They assure open accessibility to their deals without charging the players any kind of commission. This site is easy to use still suffices to catch specialist acknowledgment. Utilizing the 3et app customers can access the bets from anywhere around the globe. It is only obtainable in the English language. Lowest cost bets can be launched at 1 Euro, and when customers obtain the on specifying the occasion, the ultimate price is presented on the slip.
Betsat is the current name in the betting market that is established in Turkey. It tries to draw customers from Europe and various other continents and attempting to convince them that the website is adventitious. This company faces significant competition from within the country as well as from the claimed European wagerers. Betsat is ingrained in Turkey, being on the go amongst Turkish players and proudly highlights its viewers. They use multilingual aid to the customers, as well as the web site can additionally be translated in German, Spanish and also English to make sure. This website recommends an indiscriminate blend of sporting activities to draw in Turkish as well as European customers. Football and also basketball are uniformly famed in Turkey as well as around the continent which magnifies the popularity of the website. When it comes round live betting, the site offers to bet on tennis, football basketball after the game has actually begun.
Rooted in Malaysia, INFINIWIN is the leading online betting workshop. This rejuvenating brand largely concentrates on texas hold'em and also other table gaming products. INFINIWIN provides a remarkably good value of premium video gaming products. They ensure that the individuals are going to get the noticeably superior wagering experience. This website has a superior team aiding the clients as well as assisting the individuals in various languages.
MAXBET is currently leading the video gaming industry in Central as well as Eastern parts of Europe with a quickly raising energy. This business is at the forefront of Europe's betting industry following its tactical partnership with Italian lotto game monster Lottomatica. Enthusiastic clients are offered numerous fortunate possibilities for winning at gambling establishments, wagering games and vending machine. Events are arranged on a regular as well as month-to-month basis. MAXBET guarantees that consumers rely on them for a risk-free as well as safe and secure gaming domain name.
  1. BETLAND is a well-reputed bookie that runs online and by means of mobile in Nigeria. After its relaunch, it has ended up being even faster and well organized. Odds and also betting lines are used on a series of sporting activities which are just as popular in Nigeria and also other countries as well. Betting supplies on some considerable sporting activities occasions outside Nigeria gives a worldwide personality to the website. Betland aims to provide its services to all groups of bettors neglecting their financial condition.
BETSSON uses tradition for gambling, online casino bingo and also sports wagering. This company has actually stemmed from Sweden. It works through 20+ brand names that give video gaming items. This firm financial resources as well as handles the on-line pc gaming business. BETSSON intends to surmount the pc gaming sector in practical manners, although it is among the topmost in Europe.
Operating given that 1996, PARIMATCH has actually turned into a worldwide video gaming website. They state themselves among the leaders of the video gaming sector and so are always anticipating improving the top quality and automation and also adding to the events daily, stats and evaluation are provided night and day. Users are provided to bank on 20+ sports in above 60 nations along with 200 organizations as well as greater than 600 sporting activities occasions.
This is a European business established in 1999. It was released online in March 2000. Initially, it was rotated to on the internet sporting activities wagering, however it was redesigned with the launch of on-line casino site and also after that the system for playing poker. Different betting options are used on sporting occasions as sports scheduling is the website's main dish.
This gambling firm, based in Malta, has actually revealed exceptional growth given that 1995. With a selection of on-line video gaming options, land-based stores are also established. TIPBET sustains wagering and also odds on all primary sporting activities occasions and likewise holds a terrific range of gambling establishment video games.
  1. RedZoneSports
A fresh bookmaker taken part in sports wagering, specifically in the UK as well as America is named RedZone Sports. The site is highly in cognition with as well as also possessed by the Spotnation bookies. Argyll Amusement AG. Attacking the gaming sector in 2017, this fresh bookie reveals wonderful rate of interest in America's sportsbooks. The website is regulated by The Gaming Commission, a highly suggested global gambling authority, and this assures the user that the cash they are investing is safe and also secured. With a considerable focus on games like United States football, baseball as well as hoops, this internet site consigns helpful odds on several sporting activities. It is possible for the individual to play online or In-play alternatives are likewise available. This website gives the individual an authentic wagering experience by providing large-scale hypothesizing markets.
  1. BetStars Sportsbook
Casino poker celebrity, very acquainted as well as honoured on-line texas hold'em service provider, spin-offs the Betstars website. The website is visited consistently by countless consumers who are intended to seek satisfaction from all the on-line alternatives the website gives. This substantial number of punters seeing the site has actually helped the site being deemed as one of the most rated bookies around the globe.
  1. wager
Malta video gaming authority supervises of synchronizing PWR wager, a just recently added mobile-friendly bookmaker site. This site was presented in 2018. This site exceedingly advertises via its application, however as being an Android app, it is unfeasible for the people utilizing the apple iphone. Among others, this site provides betting on the derby, football as well as additionally sustains E-Sports wagering.
  1. MoPlay Sportsbook
MyMoPlay collaborates with Manchester United along with Watford FC. The business has actually been taken down by IBAS, which forefronts its dependence as a good pc gaming system. Customers can locate a large series of sports to bet on. It also introduced its app for the best online experience in sports wagering.
  1. RoBet Sportsbook
RoBet established foot into the European on-line bookie market in 2019. Government of Curacao oversees the site guaranteeing that it goes along with honest implementation of sporting activities scheduling. The customers can confide in them for leisure ventures.
  1. Jetbull Sportsbook
Jetbull was founded in 2007. This site is secondary to OddsMatrix. Different languages are passed on the internet site. The site has ingrained markets in football, supplying countless chances yet is concentrated constrained to concentrate on US players.
  1. LuckyBet
Luckybet uses open chances for European, Canadian players and likewise gamers from New Zealand. Abundant gaming choices as well as rewards as well as the contemporary website design includes in the impact the site has on gamblers and punters. Many online internet sites attempt to reproduce their articulation.
  1. Redbet
Redbet, a premier online casino brand name intervened in the on theinternet sporting activities reserving industry. This site was produced in 2002 with a mission of producing fun for the individual by attracting them to the website by supplying successful chances. It is a well-reputed website where the gamer's joy is the initial issue.
  1. Fonbet
FonBet was introduced previously in 2002. This site is a Russian bookie site. Russia as well as Eastern Europe birth a substantial number of participants of FonBet. This bookie is certified in Curacao. Therefore the certificate, the site detains, UK as well as UNITED STATES consumers are limited from making use of the on-line bookie.
  1. ComeOn
ComeOn became a brand-new bookie website in 2009. It is a secondary firm of Co-Gaming Limited. Malta Pc gaming Authority administrates the site. To operate in the UK, they are accredited from the UK Gambling Compensation. Markets of Scandinavia are the prime focus of the site.
  1. Marathonbet
Marathonbet was acknowledged in 1997 as a self -reliant bookmakers site. It is run by Panbet Limited, a firm that is in charge of running retail barters in the UK. This bookmaker website is deeply committed towards the UK members although it is well-reputed worldwide
  1. MyBet
It is hosting the tremendous variety of sporting competitions regarding greater than 14,000, this site is a significant on-line bookie and has a superb great deal of customers around the continent. Besides offering various high-grade sportsbook events, it designates the players assurance with the modern technology that is comparable to Europe's safety criteria.
  1. Betbarter
This is the primary and the most relied on the site of India. It is an on the internet showing off occasion betting site. The web site is amazing as well as uses straightforward expression. Individuals can select BetBarter versus their competitor whenever. The bargains made by BetBarter protrude the marketplace. BetBarter likewise inspects the internet sites which provide fast payments and also various other feasible means of withdrawals.
  1. Bodog888
Bodog888 is recognized to be a participant of the world-famous gambling enterprise Bodog and is sometimes acknowledged as Bodog Asia. This site gives a huge range of moral online casino and also texas hold'em wagering. It also involves Oriental bettors by sporting activities reserving. This site has gained the distinction by offering the very best performance as well as illustratory attributes. The website supplies the best aid and also rewards.
  1. BetEast
Arised from Asia in 2016, BetEast asserts to be the most effective expanding wagering brand name. This business offers a substantial range of eSports solutions, casino site and live wagering as well as values subscriptions from worldwide. Its emphasis is to make a dash out there of Europe. The simplicity of the website format hits the customer instantly. The company has a substantial interest in the UK Betting markets. The site offers a comprehensive betting experience with giving a substantial number of on-line port video games.
  1. Bet-at-home
This company arised in 1999 later on releasing its website in March 2000. It soon became a supply firm and was provided at the stock market. This website is a credible sponsor for worldwide game events. It supplies betting odds on prominent gaming occasions. Followed by more than 4 million customers, it has become one of a kind sports scheduling site in Europe. All the info regarding the wagers placed as well as payouts are offered on their site.
  1. Setantabet
This website offers important odds on pc gaming and also horse racing. The website is compatible with mostly all mobile devices. The website has a substantial collection of slot video games and gambling enterprises for the customers. It additionally features a live gambling establishment with single and multiplayer choices. The website likewise aids the individuals through live Chat.
  1. CasinoSahara
It is a little gambling establishment on account of the gathered earnings, yet is taken into consideration a hot area. This internet site is readily available in a range of languages. Live betting games are readily available with different payment methods. Live Conversation is not open 24/7 that is somewhat a drawback to the website.
  1. BetEasy
This bookie website, established in 2014, emerges from Australia giving online betting and sporting activities remedies to the clients. This site is a subsidiary of The Celebrity Team. This website formally funds the Australian Football Organization.

  1. SuperBet
This is a South African bookies website established in 2008. The website captivates clients from around the continent. In addition to offering considerable betting games collection online, this site runs 50 land-based stores in Africa. The arrangement with EFC includes in the compatibility of the website.

  1. CasiniaBet
As opposed to the suitable bookies, Casinia wagered offers fewer choices for online betting as well as video gaming occasions. Still, the considerable contests are offered proper coverage that makes it challenging for the punters to separate between the leading bookies and also CasinoBet sportsbooks.

  1. mercurybet
This is a leading online video gaming website as well as online pc gaming. This website amplifies your exhilaration and gives you with a pleasurable experience with its thrilling wagering system. Customers can challenge themselves and also others with day-to-day and regular promotions.

  1. Jojobet
This site interacts with a large range of video gaming markets. This website supports bitcoins which includes in the variety of individuals around the world. This website has gained significant repute quickly by providing high odds on numerous betting games. It gives its clients with appreciable services.

  1. Bet8
This is a legally run business in Greece and also declares to satisfy also one of the most requiring clients This is website offers you to bet on above 11,000 sports events taking place on a monthly basis. The site likewise offers excellent probabilities with low price margins to its valuable consumers.

  1. Blackbet
This site is greatly giving a greatly favorable experience to its customers. It is dealt with by passionate staff member intending to offer an outstanding service to the punters. More than 20 sports are available for live betting at this reservation website.

  1. WinnerUK
This website is very recommended for scheduling on competition. They supply great recurring offers together with other recognized promos. This is a powerful yet well-assisting platform for on-line betting as well as sportsbooking.

  1. Wager at Home
Bet-at-home is the certified bookie based in Malta and also Austria. Their company went on expanding with the discussion of an on the internet gambling establishment in 2005. They later on developed into a supply partnership and also in 2009 became a part of the Betclic Everest Team. Their management centre is currently at Portomaso Business Tower in Malta as well as is accredited and controlled by the Malta Gambling Payment.

  1. Twinspires
It is just one of the earliest name present in the field of on the internet sporting activities betting, having actually grabbed popularity amongst customers given that its facility right around ten years in the past. Authorized by the UK Gaming Commission, it is just one of the most relied on on-line betting sites available.

  1. One Hash
One Hash is already the market head in wagering all over the world, with a huge variety of clients in many countries. Their wagering deals pre-competition or online wagering is very broad. Additionally, this manager communicates its online gushing TELEVISION terminal, countless pc gaming competitors.

  1. Mr Eco-friendly
On a remarkable assortment of video games, a vast array of wagers are used by bookmakers, which are determined based on chance. By wagering on these unique possibilities, a bettor can get money on rewarding wagers. It is consistently the situation that the very best online wagering sites for sports will be those that use the very best prospective benefits.
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India Online Gambling Sites

Cricket Bookies in line that accepts Indian Rupee
Public Gaming
Act of 2019 prohibits individuals of India from wagering on sporting activities wagering which has in some way disrupted business of cricket bookies in line of sporting activities betting. Nevertheless, talking about sporting activities betting, there is a percentage of charge of 100 INR, with possibly one-month imprisonment. Luckily, to resolve this problem, there are numerous lawful online betting sites for sporting activities, outside of India, that are more than satisfied to accept us as their consumers.
We would here address one thing that, till the present date, no Indian has actually ever held reliant custodianship for betting on on-line cricket bookies.
Which are favourite on the internet bookmakers in India?
The best online wagering sites for cricket in India, in addition to being prominent amongst Indians, is They were a part of the first bookies that we knew of to supply purchases of deposits and withdrawals in Indian Rupee Money (INR). This bookie has an extensive variety of sporting activities offerings like Champions organization, IPL, La Liga, EPL, football I-league, Rugby, Horse Racing, tennis, boxing as well as boundless sporting activities covering throughout the world.
Even though there are currently many other on-line sporting activities wagering sites using INR wagering accounts, many are not trustworthy. If you are searching for choices past Betbarter, we suggest adhering to sector leaders that are licensed, controlled and also have amazing notoriety. If Indian rupee isn't easily accessible as a cash option, open your account in Euro (EUR). We have consisted of much more extensive data bookmakers to take into consideration, later in this article.How can you use the best online betting in India?
On the internet gaming [1] sites having a go at a post-up property. You can simply bet making use of cash from your account equilibrium. At the point when you put down a wager, the money is subtracted from your account. If the wager wins that cash comes back to your account equilibrium as well as the benefits are added to, you can deposit/withdrawal all or part of your balance whenever you want.Every sporting activities wagering site includes various options of down payments as well as withdrawals. We recommend you to surf the cashier choice to look through the alternatives readily available as well as pick the one that you know with. Be motivated that various websites ensure to acknowledge credit rating as well as debit cards, yet not all cards for India will work. There is a high rate of the card getting declined although you have cash in your wagering account. This is the reason for setting up e-wallets is prudent
Skrill operating in India?
Those who are serious about on-line wagering may want to have different e-wallets. The following I suggest establishing is which has lower charges. Validating a Skrill account from India can be a moderate issue, so you require to get in the registration details very meticulously. The exciting news is as soon as you receive the verification treatment (often takes multi-week or a lot more) you'll be established to relocate money to any kind of sporting activities wagering website effortlessly.
Neteller in India is another popular e-wallet that can be made use of in India. Neteller is essentially a UK company licensed by federal government FSA (Financial Service Authority) to function as a web savings account. This e-wallet gives an option to open an account in lots of money, consisting of INR.
Practically every online betting site offers NETELLER in their staff as both a deposit and also to withdrawal. You can use this comparable to your financial institution account.Getting squander of NETELLER is straightforward. They supply financial institution action withdrawals to any type of bank on the world and have various alternatives accessible also. The challenge is a lot more on the best means to include cash money to NETELLER originally. For this, you may need to use something like bitcoin to store. You can discover this in the funding section of your NETELLER [2] account. Bitcoins can be acquired making use of IMPS Financial institution Transfer from private venders advertising on Neighborhood Bitcoins. That site goes about as an escrow making it a safe technique to buy bitcoin online from India.
Various other sites to consider for sports betting is the globe's largest wagering exchange as well as easy to use for Indians, as well as you can become familiar with the Betfair reviews. They supply to bet on Indian Premier Organization and also a wide variety of sporting activities from all over throughout the world. The main absent component here is I-league football betting. internet site supplies online banking on football matches. This is a remarkable Oriental Bookmaker for Indians. They give the alternative of live betting on all the significant football competitions from all over the world, consisting of EPL and on leagues less well-known around the world, as an example, I-association, Chinese Super Organization, and so forth. They are, we would see it not the most effective for cricket.
submitted by BetBarter to u/BetBarter [link] [comments]

Cricket Betting Sites - Best Online Gambling Sites (Updated ...|

Previous few years has changed a lot of things in the betting market, as well as these adjustments are done for the betterment! In case you are searching for the very best online cricket betting sites in India, Betbarter is below to help you. We're going to disclose some insight into the best wagering websites that recognize Indian customers, and we're additionally going to disentangle the puzzle behind the authorized part of sports betting in one of the most thickly booming internet wagering markets!
Cricket is the preferred sporting activities of people of India, and also you can locate significant followers of cricket throughout the nation. This enthusiasm of Indian fans towards cricket has actually offered the space for the on the internet betting market. Indian online betting sites for sporting activities have actually tended to provide bets for major cricket tournaments like Indian Premier League and also quick n angry T20 World Cups [1], betting on cricket has actually genuinely removed, with punters supplying a grand extent of wagering possibilities.
Just as the Indian top picks, you would now be able to uncover coordinate wagers for the Indian IPL, the Pakistani Super League and all the top worldwide and also world cricket competitions. Continue reading underneath to locate the most effective cricket wagering sites as well as find where to get the very best rewards, advancements, possibilities costs as well as live streams.
Which are some of the very best sites for cricket wagering?
These websites master their respective locations, and also users can bet with a peace of mind of having a substantial payment. Furthermore, the top bookies Mentioned above have demonstrated to provide affordable probabilities which are hard to discover, specifically not by some since lately entered on the internet sportsbooks.
Is on the internet sports wagering legal in India?
If you are lucky adequate to look for the response to this question over the internet, you will locate lots of opposing declarations leading you to uncertainties.
Something lacks a question; no law is implemented in India that might in any capability, put your possibility or flexibility at risk. To make matters amazingly better, the specialists have made a move to a training course which matches both you and also any type of prepared online wagering website that needs to develop procedures in India. Therefore, web wagering in India is a point; nevertheless, the legal standing is still obscure.
The interesting point we can tell you regarding online betting in India is that you can easily bet online, and also there are several alternatives to select from. Aside from that, you can make secure deposits and also withdrawals from your betting account without being fretted about the validity of the process.
As you can see that each wagering internet site differs in performing betting procedures and also some generally offer a betting offer for a selected variety of games. Nowadays, with the rise of T-20 cricket during the most current 10 years has actually prompted numerous brand-new cricket competitions and also tournaments being established. And also wagering sites have made a considerable effort to take care of the new passion as well as guaranteed they use a vast selection of departments from around the globe.
The bookmakers [2] that we have enlisted have offered complete protection of nearly all the cricket events to get you the very best from on-line betting.
Live Cricket Betting
Cricket is the sort of video game that goes connected at the hip with in-play betting. Whether you're banking on a standard 5-day examination suit or a T-20 match from the Indian IPL, you'll have the alternative to locate a whole extent of invigorating online bets that integrate batsman markets, run markets, the first man out, next male out, following means of termination as well as a lot more.
Promotional offers
Promotions and Special Reward uses for cricket are prevalent amongst the wagering sites enlisted on our page. You will not be able to find the promotions that a year-long, however you will definitely locate something remarkable when the period starts. Frequently there is a great range of wagering refund offers or incentive earning account creation (to bring in new consumer), occasional totally free bet bargains as well as price boosts.
With considering each of the attributes from all the web sites, we think that Betbarter is the best driver for cricket wagering and also promos. Added to the welcome incentive for new customers, you will certainly find numerous worth-while offers that have been uncommonly developed to run close by the most renowned competitions.
Various other top bookmakers include Betway, that offer a phenomenal range of each day cost increase. For an increasingly full rundown of the various types of new offers that are readily available to any individual at the bookmakers, you can examine our blog sites as well as get detailed content.In case of inquiries or inquiries regarding on-line betting, you can consult our on the internet client support.
submitted by BetBarter to u/BetBarter [link] [comments]

What makes a good Football Betting Site for Malaysia?

Do you like football? Do you bet on the team you support? Where do you place your bets and why?
The question is, what makes a good football betting site for Malaysians?
Different country have different behavior and practices, a good football betting site in Europe dose not mean its suits the consumers in Asia.
Today we dive into the topic of what makes a good football betting site for the Malaysia bettor market. We identify what are the key factors that makes a bettor decide to bet on one sportsbook over another by gathering bettor opinions. This article mainly focus on football betting malaysia and information might not be suitable for viewers of other countries.

1) Size

This one is fairly straight forward, football betting online is a risky business, there are a lot of online scams and unethical online casino operators. Hence, choosing a strong, well known and trusted online sports bookie is key to most bettors.
However, how do we define a online casino to be “large” or “big”?
For sports book specifically, bettors look for the amount of sports book available. If a betting website offers a large verity of sportsbook to choose from, you can feel more confident in them as this means they have a strong partnership with a lot of bookies and are often trust able. Besides, bettors also look for well known sports bookies like IBCbet, Maxbet and SBObet as the name is well reputable and the presense alone is a statement of trust for bettors.

2) Betting Menu

A good quality sportsbook should include a wide verity of betting options for bettors. Aside from the basics, a good football betting site should also include in-play betting and pregame betting.
Besides of in-play and pregame options, a good sportsbook must cover a wide verity of sports(basketball, cricket, ice hockey etc), cover popular or up-coming sports (e-sports) and finally other non-sports related events(financial and elections etc) as well. A sports book with a wide coverage proves that they are serving odds to a much larger population of bettors, which makes it an indicator of trust worthiness.

3) Odds

Another major factor is the odds, obviously if a sports bookie have a large volume of bettors. They might go for the “sell more for less” marketing approach where they give the best odds return rate. This is an absolute win for the bettors as they get maximum return.
The odds offered in a good Malaysia football betting site should be in Asian odds, either handicap or oveunder odds. This will allow users to be instantly familiar with the odds rather than requiring them to learn how different odds works.

Where should you bet?

you should place your bets at Trusted Malaysia Online Casinos, as their sports book complies with all of the important aspects of a football betting site stated above.
AFBCash have been operating for more than 15 years and have a big size of sports book available. (a total of 4 : SBO, AFB, AFB2, IBC)
Moreover, they also offer a wide range of betting menu, basically almost every sports and non sports event is available for bet on AFBCash. They also offer in-play and pregame bets which can come in handly if you wan’t to study the market opinions. see this article on how to win at sports betting.
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My Eurovision Review

Longtime lover of Eurovision but first time poster... these are just my thoughts...
Ukraine Verdict: Forget Forgettable song, only thing memorable is that he had a mad eye, wearing some weird aesthetic contact lens
Spain Verdict: Listen to Tom Jones vs Cardigans Instead TJ and the Cardigans burning down the house is a much more chirpy melody to listen to. Spains power ballad duet lacks emotion and a chirpy upbeat melody we actually want. The contest demands Eurovision-cheese not over-emotive and thoughtless ballads.
Slovenia Verdict: The next “Girl’s Aloud” I can’t quite identify whether this is a group of or a single artist. The lyrics are not in the queens, but seem to still invigorate the crowd. Whether this be a single artist or girl group it is catchy and sassy.
Lithuania Verdict: Time yet to come The main singer Ieva has a powerful voice, and the song is written around this, but following the lyrical story of “when we were young” seems out of place for her being relatively still in nappies. Seemed to be a song written by a 50 year old yet sung by a teenager.
Austria Verdict: Finally a token black The Eurovision song contest has been missing a black artist for many years, surprisingly it has not actually been highlighted by the press in a similar way that other sectors have. This black-ish contender needed a strong song submission if he was going to be successful and he was. The song was a strong power ballad but did not lose the euro-fun characteristics. Blending these elements beautifully, he delivered a champion challenging song placing a respectable 3rd.
Estonia Verdict: The bookies next holiday A visually spectacular dress, operatic voice and 15-1 odds made Elina a popular bet at the bookies. As the rules state the song must be original which it was but Estonia failed to present anything innovative just the same old. The bookmakers drew a lot off this acts 8th place and are now booking Antigua instead of Benidorm for the holidays.
Norway Verdict: Will be back serving Big Macs soon enough The Scandinavian Justin Bieber hotly tipped presented a mediocre entry. He may be able to play the violin, but having millennials “dabbing” (I believe it’s called) in the background is not going to wow a Eurovision audience.
Portugal Verdict: Padrão Had to attend because they were hosting… all that can be said.
United Kingdom Verdict: Overshadowed As always nothing is expected of the UK other than nil-points. But the chap running on stage and calling us all Nazi’s was the definite highlight. Shame to ruin a performers hard work though.
Serbia Verdict: Debbie Does Dallas 3: Belgrade Edition Sanja and his group of backing singers may not have achieved major success in Eurovision, but he won’t be too disappointed, after all during the run up he has had to spend a lot of time with his gorgeous backing singers. Musical chemistry was obviously devoid but the sexual tension screamed louder than Hungary’s entry.
Germany Verdict: Rip off We all know the Germans are famous for their efficiency, well they have efficiently kidnapped Mick Hucknall, reduced is age by 30 years and reprogrammed him into thinking he is German. He didn’t even do a Simply Red cover, disappointing.
Albania Verdict: Plenty of Studding and Short Skirts Surprisingly we actually had a traditional instrument playing band as an entry. It was actually a relief that we had Albania’s traditional entry but obviously tradition is not good enough falling just outside of the top 10.
France Verdict: Madame Monsieur Mundane “Mercy!, Mercy!, Mercy!” there you go… I have just given you the highlight to l'entrée. Ennuyeuse song, Ennuyeuse singers, Ennuyeuse costumes, Ennuyeuse performance. I pleaded mercy throughout the performance for it to end.
Czech Republic *Verdict: Buy the Single to encourage more silliness. * Song was good fun, dressed one of his backing dancers like a Harry Enfield Scouser, was a character throughout the night… obtained a credible 6th place finish but deserved to finish above yawning Germany and Italy.
Denmark Verdict: Too serious… I never realised Jared Leto was a) Danish and b) the front man to a boy band. During the contest they seemed to act like they were going against the grain with their take on the boyband genre. Like many musos they didn’t seem to have a sense of humour about themselves, therefore came across as too serious and pompous for the event. They seem like the type to refuse playing their old popular hits at a concert and really disappoint a crowd just because they “feel the music”.
Austrailia *Verdict: Shouldn’t have an entry anyway. * I refuse to review on principle. Imagine they win and we have to travel half way round the world to a death trap island full of convicts and life threatening fauna. Australia is not in Europe!!!
Finland Verdict: Freddie Finland Flintoff A forgettable Scandinavian entry other than the main singer was strapped to a rotating circus-knife-throwing-style-board, when the board turned to countdown 30 seconds her skirt fell down and she seemed to be more man than I am. I cannot say for definite but I would bet that if she played cricket she would have to wear a box.
Bulgaria Verdict: As flat as their shoulder pads. To compensate for my unoriginal song I should wear some “crazy” big shoulder outfit while performing. Both Equinox and Lady Gaga thought this on their debut. The latter got there first and owned it, the former now seems a cheap copycat.
Moldova *Verdict: Buy it. * There are very few nations that consistently year on year provide entries that perfectly suit the Eurovision ethos; cheesy music, catchy rhythms, camp showmanship and humorous self-awareness. Moldova is one of these rare nations; every year I excitedly anticipate their entry, this year does not disappoint. Buy this song and while you are at it buy their 2012 entry – Pasha Parfeny – Lauter.
Sweden Verdict: Keep trying. Very Justin Timberlake… but with more confusing lyrics. Sweden have had success in recent years with operatic singers mixed with a punchy dance track. They went a different way this year which is commendable, but just didn’t hit the mark.
Hungary Verdict: Been there, Finland done that. Heavy metal was a weird and unexpected genre entered into the competition by Finland a few years back and a gamble that pulled off a win for them that year. Hungary’s similar but diluted entry tried to mimic the success, but there just isn’t the mass following and appreciation of the genre to win the competition. It was good for a one off but Finland’s success will not be replicated. They were however obviously talented entertainers though.
Israel Verdict: Excellent Delivery The bookies favourite from very early in the competition. Netta is far from the supermodel singer we are used to, but also doesn’t seem to fall into the sassy attitude ridden character either. She seems to be a bubbly character that simply enjoys entertaining the crowd and as such her showmanship is on form. Her track “toy” was a Eurovision typical upbeat bubblegum-pop song. Nothing special but inoffensive and designed to appeal to a wide audience. Yes other nations performed similar style songs (see the many years of Moldovian injustice), so what makes this one so special? It is all down to the hook… catching people’s interest early will mean they are more likely to listen to the rest of the song. * Firstly Netta does not have the appearance of a standard popstar, she is (politely speaking) larger in body and less aesthetic than the norm. This does get the publics attention (think Adele or Conchita Wurst). * Combine the above with a cross-culture imagery for the performance (Chinese Gaia outfit and Maneki-neko Cats). * I have no idea what is going with the different sounds in the first 20 seconds of the track. They have zero bearing or relevance on the rest of the song, but intrigue gets the better of you, subsequently you are drawn into listening to the rest of the track.
Although the song itself is not that innovative, the way it was delivered and who it was delivered by made it popular and a deserved winner.
Netherlands Verdict: A step too far? I didn’t believe there was much countryside in Holland nor a Country and Western music scene. The little nation took a big risk with their choice. Eurovision encourages entries to try something different to stand out from the crowd. I personally enjoyed it but the people thought different finishing in the bottom half of the table.
Ireland Verdict: A good looking but diet Ed Sheeran A man and his guitar is such a popular and romanticised vision, but we have Ed Sheeran currently topping the charts weekly, monopolising on this exact musical method. Ireland trying to capitalise on this with Ryan O'Shaughnessy is just over saturation of the market. Ryan did his best, but we are currently inundated with similar performances outside of Eurovision.
Cyprus Verdict: Cypriot Cyprise Eleni is supposedly 31 and the years have been unbelievable to her. She was stunning, donning what seemed to be sequined body paint, I paid particular attention to the Cypriot performance. Earlier in the week she wasn’t on the bookies radar being offered around 100-1. But a flawless Beyonce inspired performance shot her up the table finishing 2nd and well deserved.
Italy Verdict: Lacking Italy provided a duet that seemed to be more closely related to an old Irish folksong. Eurovision is not just about the song it is about the performance and showmanship of the artist on the night, which Italy seemed to be lacking. The pair made their performance look like a chore. The vocal volume needed to be increased as it was drowned by the backing track.
I cannot understand how this song did so well.
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Best Cricket Betting tips to enhance your income

When betting on cricket it can often be difficult to get an edge over the bookmakers. There are often so many statistics available for the bookmakers to look at that it is easy for them to draw up very accurate prices.
There are ways to win on cricket though and many people do it for a living so here we have made a list of five ways in which you can improve your cricket betting and become more profitable.

1) Don't bet on prediction of drawing test matches

One of the easiest mistakes to make in cricket betting is betting on the draw too often. Indeed, cricket it is one of a very small number of sports where the draw is often the most popular bet. Particularly after the second or third day of a test match when the second innings seems as if it may go on forever, it becomes very tempting to back the draw.
Our advice at this point would be to not do that and try and work out which team has the momentum and back them. People often underestimate the capacity for pitches to deteriorate and at the top level of cricket it becomes very difficult to bat during the last two days of a test match.

2) Don't be afraid to bet on both teams

If you have had a bet on one team it can be very easy to harbour a loyalty to that side. This means that you often want to either keep betting on that team regardless of the scenario or to 'let the bet run' or not hedge your position once the time is right.
In cricket betting, and increasingly so in the Twenty20, a game's momentum swings regularly. This can mean that the favourite in a game can quickly become the outsider and vica versa. So if you have backed the outsider and it's price shortens it is often wise to bet on the other team at that point to assure you profit.
Associated with this is a popular cricket betting theory. The theory suggests that you find two sides who are very close to one another in the betting. You then wait for one side to reach odds of 2.5 and bet on it. The bettor then waits for the game to swing back in the favour of the team they have bet on and then bets on the other side when their odds reach 2.5, thereby securing themselves guaranteed profit. This tactic is best played in limited overs cricket but be warned, it can be very costly if the game's momentum fails to change.

3) Be wary of buying runs

When betting on oveunder and spread betting it can be very tempting to buy runs, particularly if you support the team you are betting on. There is also usually a far greater potential to win far greater sums when buying runs.
These two factors mean that betting on 'the overs' is by far the most popular betting option for most punters and this means that the markets are often made artificially high as the bookmakers attempt to balance their books. Therefore by betting 'the under' you are more likely to get an edge. When betting on the runs it is also very important to check the weather which we will discuss now.

4) Check the weather forecast

Cricket will forever be associated with weather and in particular it is associated with rain. Now we don't suggest you check to see if rain is forecast and then bet on the draw as it is likely the bookies will have noticed that too and future forecasts can often be wrong. It is far better to actually be close to the ground on the day with first hand knowledge of what the conditions are really like.
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How to Make Money from Cricket Betting

This is going to be an interesting article for anyone, who is looking forward to get some tips on cricket betting. Over the last few years, the trend of free cricket tips has taken a huge shape and everyone who has an interest in session betting tips free, wants to know how he could make the best use of it. Today, we have combined the information about cricket betting tips free and betting free cricket tips so that you could pick the best info from this and use it as per your liking.

If you have a business then you might be aware of the fact that you never get stable income from it. Cricket betting free tips allow you to safeguard your money and double it during the duration of a cricket match. All you have to do is to place your money on the bets using cricket betting tips and earning from cbtf cricket will be far too easy for you. Cricket match tips also help you to understand the risks involved and save you from putting your money on a wrong bet.

Cricket is a very interesting game and this is the main reason it attracts bookies from around the world. This means that the match you have decided to put your money on already has too much money involved and this exposes you to immense opportunities to make money from it. When you use free cricket betting tips, you are able to select the bet that suits you the best and using the right cricket satta tips, you earn in batches as long as the match proceeds. Cricket batting tips free also allow you to select when and where you want to bet, ensuring you do it as per your convenience.
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bookies meaning in cricket video

We checked all the major cricket bookies, but we couldn’t find anyone else who could match bet365’s coverage. The odds were generally very competitive as well. Even on those occasions when other bookmakers did cover the same markets, we found that the average odds available at bet365 were better. Bookies earn their money from balancing the amount of money being invested in each of the teams. If the team which was favourites to win the match does win,having dominated throughout the match,there is not a lot of scope for a bookie to make money from the outcome of such a match. In one-day and T20 cricket, your available bets are limited to a win for either side while in test and first-class cricket, it’s also possible to bet on the draw. Look for an online cricket betting prediction or two, maybe from the bookmakers’ blogs that we’ve mentioned or, you can take a look at our strategy section which will follow shortly. Cricket Betting Sites. Cricket has captured the imagination of billions of people worldwide for cricket betting with the likes of New Zealand, Australia, India & the UK taking the most interest.The growth in cricket betting is second to none. From Test cricket to the IPL all major sportsbooks have all the markets that you need to make your cricket betting experience a profitable one. discover new bookies here The OLBG Story - About Us! Established in 2002, Online Betting Guide began as a guide to the best betting sites and latest offers with information to help sports bettors place bets online. So here are the top 10 cricket bookies that accept Indian players. You can bet on plenty of cricket matches like IPL, Twenty20, Tests and One Day Internationals (ODIs), major international competitions such as the Cricket World Cup and ICC Champions Trophy, and domestic competitions Ranji Trophy, the Duleep Trophy, the Deodhar Trophy, the Irani Trophy and the Challenger Series. 1. bookie - a gambler who accepts and pays off bets (especially on horse races) bookmaker. gambler - a person who wagers money on the outcome of games or sporting events. Cricket fans will find all the information they need about the best online cricket betting sites in India, right here at TheTopBookies. We carry out a huge amount of in-depth research in order to make sure our reviews are 100% honest and give as much detail as possible. You may have heard the expression ‘the house always wins’, meaning that you’ll eventually lose if you gamble long enough. However, it is possible to beat the bookies when betting on cricket. Here, we’ll explain how to do it. In order to beat the bookies when betting on cricket, you need to use a range […] Features of Cricket Betting Software For Bookies. Cricket betting software for bookies comes with a bookie panel wherein you can manage everything from cricket betting to your clients effectively. It lets the bookmakers choose from various matches wherein they can place bets on a single match or whole series.

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